Chapter 9

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The Tomboyish Mermaid

Sleeping next to Haru in his new evolved form was a new experience. The bed was heavier and I couldn't move around like I normally do.

Osore and Spike both grumbled while I got out of bed. Haru glanced at me with groggy eyes, yawned, and rolled back over on the bed.

I chuckled to myself. "My spirit Pokémon... I feel that."

Spike hopped out of bed and started speaking to Osore and Haru, and they ignored poor Spike. I could only guess what Spike was saying, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with waking up.

I brushed my teeth while watching Spike screech at his friends, and giggled and almost choked on my toothbrush. Spike is the mom friend.

I fed them while getting dressed in my usual clothes, and I packed a swimsuit since the Cerulean Gym has a pool. They finished their breakfast and got inside of their pokéballs while I fixed my hair.

"Let's go, guys!" I whispered to myself while throwing the door open.

I walked out of the Pokémon center into a bright beautiful morning. It was like the gods were telling me that the sun was cheering for me too.

I stopped in front of the large building with a community pool in it. The sign in front of the building had a star-shaped Pokémon on it with bolded words:

Cerulean City Pokémon Gym
Leader: Misty
The Tomboyish Mermaid

I clenched my fists and grinned. I ran inside the gym and was baffled by the gorgeous pool that lots of people were swimming in.

"Am I... in the right place?" I mumbled to myself.

"You most certainly are, young future champion!"

I jumped and saw the familiar face of the man who always greeted me when coming into the gyms.

"Why's this a community pool? Is Misty even here?" I asked.

"She's also a very talented swimming instructor who gives lessons to little kids." The man replies.

So... she got older too... I wonder if Red exists in this world. I think to myself.

"You might want to change into a bathing suit. People around here usually give the challenger a hard time when wanting to challenge Misty." The man adds.

I heed his warning and change into my simple green bikini with a cute flower pattern. I was quite jealous of all the people who could just swim carefree.

I don't know if Misty was supposed to have people come to challenge me to see if I were even worthy of battling her, but I saw her before any of them. Her bright orange hair was easy to spot, but how I was supposed to her was going to be another challenge.

I casually approached where she was, and I saw dozens of kids who were happily splashing each other in the crystal clear pool.

One of them notices me and shouts at Misty while clearing everyone away.

Her fiery orange hair was tied in a side ponytail, and she quickly turned to look at me. "You're a new face."

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