Chapter 1

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Author's note: In this version, Oliver did not die on earth 38 and there are only 5 paragons, hope, destiny, love, courage and honor and they are Kara, Sara, Barry, Kate and Oliver respectively and the anti-monitor did not send Lyla in his place, but actually came and faced them himself.

The last thing Oliver remembered before the flash of light was him, Barry, Kara, Kate and Sara attacking the Anti-Monitor on board the alternate Waverider. The five of them had him dead to rights and then there was a huge wave of light and now Oliver found himself back in Novu's realm.

"What the hell is going on? How did I get here?" Oliver asked.

"Welcome back Mr. Queen." Mar Novu said, causing Oliver to turn to face him.

"What happened? The last thing I remember is attacking the Anti-monitor, then, the next thing I know is that I'm here." Oliver said.

"You both failed and succeeded." Novu said.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver asked.

"When you and the other paragons attacked my opposite, he was distracted enough for me to reabsorb all of my power and all of his from him. However, doing so triggered the final antimatter wave that destroyed earth one and the rest of the multiverse." Novu said.

"What?" Oliver demanded.

"Let me finish." Novu said and Oliver nodded.

"While the multiverse may have been destroyed, using my restored powers and the powers I took from the anti-monitor, I was able to create a positive wave that replicated the process that created the multiverse to begin with and created a new one. However before doing so, I managed to pull you and the other four paragons into my realm." Novu said.

"Why wasn't it wiped out?" Oliver asked.

"My domain exists outside the multiverse and therefore was not targeted by Mobius's antimatter cannon. Anyways, I brought you five here to recover while I created a new multiverse." Novu said.

"So, what happens now?" Oliver asked.

"Now, that the new multiverse has finished evolving to the point it was at when the age of heroes began, I can send you and the other paragons into it to ensure that this one does not fall." Novu said.

"Meaning what?" Oliver asked.

"What I mean is that I can send you to take the place of your counterpart on the new Earth One and I can also give you his memories." Novu said.

"Why, won't the timelines be the same?" Oliver asked.

"Not exactly. A new earth means different outcomes. It is not the same as your old one. Especially since Supergirl and Superman exist on it." Novu said.

"Are there any significant changes I need to know about?" Oliver asked, wondering if it was possible.

"You did not take Sara Lance on the Queen's Gambit with you. In fact, you were much more faithful to Laurel Lance in this new reality. I cannot tell you much more, but you will not have to worry about the Lance family hating you. In fact, I believe Laurel will be waiting for you to come home." Novu said.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.

"To preserve the timeline, I'm sending you back to the day the age of heroes truly began. The day you returned home from Lian Yu." Novu said and Oliver nodded.

"How will Sara's timeline be affected if she wasn't on the Gambit." Oliver asked.

"You will find out soon enough when you meet Ms. Lance in this new reality. I will send her along when she wakes up." Novu said and for the first time, Oliver notices Barry, Kara, Kate and Sara, all unconscious and suspended in the air.

"Will I have my old memories along with the new ones?" Oliver asked.

"Of course. Consider this your reward Oliver. You have a second chance to correct your mistakes and save those you lost before. I recommend you do not blow it." Novu said.

"I'll do my best. Thank you." Oliver said and Novu nodded.

"Are you ready now Mr. Queen?" Novu asked.

"I am." Oliver agreed as Novu waved his hand and suddenly, Oliver felt his brain pounding as he felt a lifetime's worth of new memories enter it and integrate in with his old ones and the world went dark around him as he entered his new life.

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