Chapter 6

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The next morning, Oliver smiled when he woke and rolled over in bed to find Laurel sleeping next to him. She looked more beautiful than Felicity ever had. He still wasn't sure why he'd given up on Laurel and settled for Felicity. Actually, he did know. The only reason he hadn't pursued Laurel was because she had made it clear that she didn't want that after what happened to Tommy. Or at least, he thought that was what she'd wanted. Now he knew better and he wouldn't ruin things between them again.

"Hey, what were you thinking about?" Laurel asked as she woke up.

"Just how much I missed while I was gone." Oliver said, semi truthfully.

"I missed you to. And I'm glad William finally has his father." Laurel said.

"Yeah, when I'm going to get to meet him?" Oliver asked.

"My dad is bringing him home about an hour, so we should probably get dressed." Laurel said and Oliver smiled and nodded, eager to meet his new version of his son.

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door and Laurel went to answer it.

"Mommy." William said and Laurel smiled as she picked her son up off the ground.

"Hey buddy. There's someone here I want you to meet." Laurel said as she carried her son into the apartment and gestured to her father to follow.

"He's still here?" Quentin asked.

"Yes Quentin, I am." Oliver said, bracing himself for Quentin's abuse, but to his shock, Quentin just held out his hand to him.

"It's to see you son." Quentin said as Oliver shook his hand and Laurel decided to give her father and boyfriend some time to talk before introducing William to his father.

"It is? I was under the impression that you never liked me." Oliver said and Quentin smiled.

"I didn't, but that was the old you. I can tell already that you're a changed man now Oliver." Quentin said

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.

"The man you were before wouldn't be here right now. He'd probably be up at that mansion, still passed out and hung over from celebrating his return." Quentin said and Oliver chuckled, knowing that was true.

"The boy I was, he died when the Gambit went down. I think someone else came back." Oliver said.

"Well, I think the man who came back is a much better person." Quentin said.

"Thank you and Laurel told me about Sara. I'm sorry for your loss." Oliver said, even though he knew that Sara was still alive and likely trying to find a way to get her freedom from the League as they spoke.

"Yeah well, at least I've still got Laurel and my grandson. Speaking of, I think we've delayed that introduction long enough." Quentin said and Oliver nodded, relieved that this version of Quentin didn't hate him, which also helped ease his conscience over Quentin's death, as they walked into the living room.

"So, you two good?" Laurel asked.

"Yeah, we are." Oliver said and Laurel smiled.

"Good." Laurel said.

"Mommy, who's that?" William asked.

"William, this is your daddy." Laurel said tentatively, prompting a confused look on the four year old's face.

"You said daddy left." William said as Oliver crouched down to his level.

"Not because I wanted to buddy. I didn't even know your mommy was pregnant with you when I left and I was always going to come back." Oliver said, trying to explain it in a way that the four year old would understand.

"What took you so long?" William asked and all three adults couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"There was an accident buddy. It kept me from coming home, but I never stopped looking for a way home. And I promise I'm never leaving again." Oliver said and William looked at him with what could be described as skepticism before walking away.

"Well, that could've gone better." Laurel said.

"I missed five years of his life. William doesn't have much reason to believe me right now. I need to earn his trust." Oliver said.

"He's right. Laurel, you and I, and everyone else, we knew Oliver before the Gambit, or at least the old Oliver. William's never met Oliver until today and all he has to go on about him are the stories you told him. He needs time to get to know Oliver before he can trust him and form a relationship with him." Quentin agreed.

"I just hope that it doesn't take him too long." Laurel said.

"He waited five years for me to come home. I'm willing to wait for him as long as I need to." Oliver said.

"That's probably the best thing you can do. Don't force yourself into his life, let him come to you." Quentin said and Oliver nodded at him thankfully.

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