Chapter 11

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"Wow, nice to see at least one of us hasn't changed over the past five years." Sara said as she, Oliver, Laurel and John entered the party to find it in full effect.

"I was really hoping that Tommy might've matured while we were gone." Oliver said.

"We could dump him on an island for a few years, since that seemed to work for you." Laurel joked.

"Don't tell his dad that. Malcolm might just do that." Sara said under her breath.

"Did I hear my name?" Tommy asked with a wide grin as he walked up to them.

"This party is incredible." Laurel said.

"Thanks. But anyways, who's this guy?" Tommy asked.

"This is my new bodyguard, John Diggle." Oliver said.

"That's cool man. He wipe for you?" Tommy asked and Laurel and Sara laughed as Oliver just rolled his eyes at this.

"Very funny Tommy. At least I already know who I'm leaving with at the end of the party. Do you?" Oliver retorted.

"Actually yes. And here she comes now." Tommy said and Oliver had to keep a look of surprise off his face when he saw who was approaching them and he could tell that Sara was doing the same.

"Hello everyone." Felicity Smoak said as she joined them.

"This is my new girlfriend Felicity Smoak. Felicity, these are my best friends, Oliver Queen, Laurel Lance and Sara Lance. And this is Oliver's new babysitter, John Diggle." Tommy said, making the introductions.

"It's nice to finally get to meet you. Or well, you Laurel, since you're the only one Tommy didn't have a good excuse for not introducing me to until now." Felicity said as she shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you Felicity. How did you meet this irresponsible manchild?" Laurel asked curiously.

"How'd you meet yours?" Felicity countered and Laurel grinned.

"I think we're going to get along famously. Let's talk." Laurel said as she pulled Felicity away.

"I'm surprised you aren't chasing after them." Sara said and Oliver and Tommy both shrugged.

"Let them gossip. But seriously, how'd you meet?" Oliver asked curiously.

"I met her at Queen Consolidated." Tommy said, surprising Oliver.

"Really, what were you doing at my family's company?" Oliver asked.

"I work there now, since I want nothing to do with my father or his company." Tommy said, shocking Oliver and Sara at how different this Tommy was from the one they'd known.

"What happened?" Sara asked.

"My dad is still a cold, egotistical bastard he always was, but he crossed a line when he basically told me to forget you two ever existed. He said I was wasting his time and money trying to find both of you after you disappeared, so he cut me off and I went to work for Walter at QC." Tommy said.

"So why the party boy lifestyle?" Oliver asked.

"No, I really have matured man, what I said before, I just didn't want to freak you out by appearing to be a completely different person." Tommy said and Oliver smiled.

"We're all different people now and I'd like to think that we've all changed for the better." Oliver said as he, Tommy and Sara all grabbed shots.

"To new people and new beginnings." Oliver said.

"Cheers." Sara said as they all downed their shots.

"So, how long have you and Felicity been together?" Sara asked.

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