Chapter 13

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A few days later, Oliver, Laurel, Thea and Sara were training in the foundry, since Oliver had been unable to get ahold of Talia, so he figured he'd start training Thea himself until he could, when suddenly, a breach opened.

"What the hell?" Laurel asked as two people exited the breach.

"Oh good, we're at the right base." one of them said.

"Who are you guys?" Thea asked, even more surprised when Oliver and Sara didn't look surprised to see them, if anything, they just looked annoyed.

"Barry, couldn't you have given me a bit more warning." Oliver asked.

"Wait, Ollie, you know these guys?" Laurel asked.

"Yeah, and so do you." Cisco said.

"Never seen you before in my life." Laurel said.

"Actually, that's why we're here." Barry said as he held out a ring.

"What's that ring supposed to do." Sara asked.

"You'll see in a second." Barry said as he pressed the ring against Laurel's arm and then Thea's, causing them both to pass out.

"What did you do to them?" Oliver demanded.

"Relax Oliver, we just reset their minds to wake them up to the truth." Cisco said.

"Wait, are you saying?" Sara asked.

"Yep, thanks to a visit Kara and J'onn paid us a few days ago, Cisco was able to develop these rings that can restore people's memories from before the crisis. Now we know this will happen. But on the bright side, they should retain their memories from this universe along with their original memories." Barry said.

"Well that will come in handy when Laurel wakes up and realizes that she's not only in a relationship with you, but also has a kid with you." Sara said to Oliver.

"Tell me about it." Oliver agreed as Laurel woke up.

"What the hell just happened?" Laurel asked.

"Laurel, you're awake." Sara said.

"Yeah, and I have a killer hangover. I thought those would be behind me after I stopped drinking." Laurel groaned and Oliver and Sara both grinned as Sara helped her sister up and hugged her.

"So, you remember." Sara asked.

"Everything. Including my death." Laurel said and Sara just smiled.

"Welcome to the club sis." Sara said with a tearful smile as she hugged her sister again and Laurel hugged Sara back.

"What happened? How is this possible?" Laurel asked.

"It's a long story. But seeing you alive again, it makes it all worth it." Oliver said with a smile as Sara let her sister go so she could walk up to Oliver.

"This just got awkward didn't it?" Barry asked.

"Yeah it did." Sara agreed.

"Take Thea over the med area until she wakes up. Any idea when that will be?" Oliver asked.

"Should be any minute now. Of course the fact that she's younger might have something to do with it." Barry said and Oliver nodded as Sara, Barry and Cisco carried Thea over to the med area so that Oliver and Laurel could talk.

"So, should we talk about this?" Oliver asked.

"About what, how in this world, I am William's mother and you've just been pretending to love me so that you can be there for him?" Laurel asked, since the memory dump had made her aware that this was a new world.

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