Chapter 16

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"Wow, sounds like I missed a lot." Laurel said when Oliver finished bringing her and her dad up to speed.

"Yeah." was all Oliver could say.

"And tell me again why you recruited this Dinah Drake?" Laurel asked, still trying to wrap her head around who her successor was.

"She seemed like an ideal candidate and I was trying to keep my promise to you." Oliver said.

"I get that, I really do, but still, it sounds like the reason things got so bad between your team and the new team was because of her. I'm not saying that she wasn't a hero, I just think that she wasn't the best choice." Laurel said and Oliver chuckled.

"Maybe. But that doesn't matter anymore since we have the real Black Canary back." Oliver said and Laurel smiled as they kissed.

"It's gonna take me awhile to get used to seeing that again." Quentin said.

"What about the idea that you're a grandfather?" Laurel asked and Quentin chuckled.

"That part I don't mind as much. The fact that I got to live to meet my grandchildren is enough." Quentin said.

"You're not the only one. My mom is alive." Oliver said.

"You should wake her up." Laurel said.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.

"Ollie, Moira knew that you were the Arrow. If she remembers, then she'll know that she won't have to protect you and Thea and she can pull out of the Undertaking. Not to mention, the whole Emiko situation." Laurel said.

"Maybe." Oliver agreed, since he had to admit, she had a point.

"Anyways, you planning on recruiting anyone else?" Quentin asked.

"John, Thea and Felicity are all awake and all of them have been recruited. I'm planning on recruiting Roy as well." Oliver said.

"Maybe you should Rene to that list too, since honestly Oliver, he reminded me a lot of you." Quentin said.

"I don't know about Rene." Oliver said.

"Oliver, we both know that it's only a matter of time until he puts that hockey mask back on. Better to have him on the team. And from what you told me, after you went to prison, he's the only one who kept on trying to complete the mission. I think that if anyone deserves to be on the team, it's him and I'm not just saying that because I've always had a bit of a soft spot for the kid." Quentin said and Oliver chuckled at that.

"That is a good point. I'll think about it." Oliver said.

The next day, Roy Harper entered his home to find someone else waiting for him.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" Roy asked as Oliver stood up.

"Oliver Queen. Why are you breaking into my house?" Roy asked.

"We need to talk Roy." Oliver said.

"About what?" Roy asked.

"This." Oliver said as he pressed the memory ring up against Roy's arm, waking him up.

"Whoa." Roy said.

"Welcome back Roy." Oliver said.

"That was intense." Roy said.

"Tell me about it." Oliver said.

"Hey, at least I've got two arms again." Roy said and Oliver chuckled.

"True. So, you ready to suit up." Oliver asked.

"Always. Who else is suiting up with us?" Roy asked.

"Laurel, John, Thea and Felicity. I've also woken up Quentin." Oliver said.

"Thea." Roy said, looking a bit uneasy.

"I thought you'd be happy about that." Oliver said.

"Oliver, the last time I saw Thea, I left her kind of abruptly." Roy said and now Oliver understood.

"You're worried about an awkward reunion?" Oliver asked.

"Or any kind of reunion. I want to be her boyfriend again, but I'm not sure if she'll forgive me or if she'll react the way you would." Roy said.

"Only you'll know is if you find out. But I have to admit, Thea seemed pretty happy when I told her. Just remember, she's still 17 right now, so it's technically illegal for you to date her." Oliver said.

"Any chance you could make your mom remember me so that way she doesn't have me arrested for dating Thea?" Roy asked and Oliver chuckled.

"I've already been thinking about it. If my mom remembers, then she'll know that she can get out of bed with Merlyn, since if Malcolm comes after us, between Thea and I, we'll take him down. Though things are slightly different this time." Oliver said.

"What do you mean?" Roy asked.

"Malcolm has already created the Thanatos Guild." Oliver said.

"Perfect." Roy said.

"At least this time we can take them out as a whole team." Oliver said and Roy nodded.

"Where's the base now?" Roy asked.

"The foundry. Cisco's working on building the bunker." Oliver said.

"Great. He'll also get to make my suit." Roy said.

"I wonder if he'll ever get tired of that." Oliver asked and they both chuckled, knowing that wasn't likely.

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