Chapter 10

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After they'd finished getting the foundry set up, Oliver and Sara went their separate ways, Sara headed back to Laurel's apartment where she was staying until she either found her own place or was recruited by the legends again and Oliver went back to the mansion, since as much as he wanted to stay with Laurel and William, he didn't just want to drop into their lives so quickly and honestly, Laurel's apartment was not big enough for three permanent residents.

Anyways, when Oliver returned to the mansion, he found his mother waiting for him with a familiar face.

"Where were you?" Moira asked.

"I was just showing Sara the town like Tommy and I did last week. Though there wasn't a kidnapping attempt this week." Oliver said.

"On the subject of that, I want to introduce you to your new bodyguard. Oliver, this is John Diggle." Moira said, making the introduction.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Diggle." Oliver said as he held out his hand to John, who shook it.

"You two sir." John said.

"It's Oliver. Sir and Mr. Queen make me feel old." Oliver said and John chuckled.

"Got it and in that case, you can call me Dig." John said.

"Dig it is then. But, I want to make something clear now." Oliver said.

"And what might that be?" John asked.

"My girlfriend and my son. If we're with them when the situation arises, you save them first before me." Oliver said, giving his mother a look when she started to protest, letting her know that this was not up for debate.

"I can agree with that sir. In fact, I actually respect that." John agreed as they shook hands again.

"Oliver, Laurel and Sara will be here soon, so you should probably get ready for your party." Moira said and Oliver nodded.

"I still can't believe I let Tommy talk me into throwing a huge party." Oliver said, rolling his eyes at his friend's antics. He really did hope that eventually, Tommy would grow up, but he doubted it would be anytime soon, though honestly, considering the last version of Tommy he'd considered mature had turned out to be the Dark Archer, he wasn't sure if it was a bad thing if maybe Tommy stayed the same a little while longer.

"The old you would've loved the idea." Moira reminded him.

"Yeah, well, the old me is gone and he's not coming back. He died when the gambit went down. Still trying to figure out who came back." Oliver said, even though he already knew.

"Well, from what I've been able to tell so far, this new you is a much improved version." Moira said and Oliver smiled.

"Thanks mom. I'm gonna go get ready and don't forget Laurel and I will likely be out late, so William is sleeping over tonight." Oliver said and Moira nodded.

"Of course." Moira agreed as Oliver headed upstairs to change.

Tommy was getting dressed for the party when he heard someone walk up behind him.

"So, am I finally going to get to meet your friends tonight?" a woman's voice asked and Tommy turned to see his secret girlfriend Felicity Smoak walk up to him.

"Felicity." Tommy said.

"No seriously Tommy, we've been dating for nearly a month and you still have not introduced me to any of your friends yet. Are you ashamed of me?" Felicity asked.

"No, it's nothing like that." Tommy assured her.

"Then what is it?" Felicity asked him.

"Look Lic, it's not you I'm ashamed of, it's me." Tommy said and Felicity sighed as they sat down on his bed.

"Tommy, I know that you don't exactly have the best past when it comes to woman, but that doesn't matter to me." Felicity said.

"I know, but I am worried about what you'll think of me when Oliver and Laurel no doubt start telling you about some of the less than savory things I did." Tommy said.

"Well from what you told me, they don't have much room to talk, since Oliver was even bigger party boy then you were and not only did Laurel still choose to be with him, she had a child with him. Neither of them really have much room to judge you on. Besides, I know your past and I'm still choosing to be with you. Plus, I'm sure there are still some stories you haven't told me that I'd like to hear." Felicity said with a smile.

"You really want to meet them don't you?" Tommy asked.

"I do. I mean you said it yourself, Oliver and Laurel have been your best friends since you were kids. If we're going to be together, I want to make sure they like me." Felicity said and Tommy smiled as he kissed her.

"Babe, they'd have to be crazy not to like you." Tommy said and Felicity smiled.

"Shut up." Felicity said as she kissed him and pushed him down on the bed.

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