Chapter 15

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"So, you're leaving." Oliver said and Sara nodded after she told him and Laurel the news.

"Saving Star City is your mission Ollie, not mine. Protecting the timeline is mine." Sara said.

"Still, you should tell dad." Laurel said.

"How can I tell him without revealing the secrets?" Sara asked.

"It's simple, we wake him up. We could use a contact in the SCPD." Oliver said.

"You sure that's a good idea?" Sara asked.

"He deserves to know the truth. Especially since he's finally got his greatest wish. Both of his daughters are alive again. Plus, I think Laurel needs to have a conversation with him considering how bad he got after she died." Oliver said and Laurel sighed.

"He started drinking again?" Laurel asked.

"Thea ended up having to send him to rehab." Oliver said.

"Oh god." Laurel said.

"Yeah, he blamed himself for what happened more than the rest of us, but then again, he's not the only one." Oliver said.

"It wasn't your fault either Ollie." Laurel said.

"I wasn't just talking about me. John shot his own brother because of what happened to you. I saw what it did to him. He was willing to go to prison for something he didn't do to atone for your death." Oliver said.

"I'll talk to him too, but Sara, dad deserves to know the truth." Laurel said.

"Okay." Sara agreed.

"You can wait until tomorrow to leave right?" Laurel asked.

"Yep." Sara said, since they didn't leave for two days.

"Great." Laurel said.

The next morning, Laurel entered the precinct to find her father working hard.

"Hey dad." Laurel said with a smile.

"Laurel, what a nice surprise." Quentin said with a smile as he hugged his daughter.

"Hey, is there somewhere we can talk? Privately?" Laurel asked.

"Yeah, my shift is actually almost over, I'll talk to Pike, see if I can take off a little early." Quentin said as Laurel slipped the memory ring.

"You sure he'll let you do that?" Laurel asked.

"Sara came back from the dead, I'm sure he'll be willing to grant me a little leeway to spend some time with her." Quentin said and Laurel nodded.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Quentin asked when they returned to Laurel's apartment.

"This." Laurel said as she pressed the memory ring up against Quentin's arm, effectively waking him up. She was impressed that he didn't pass out like she had.

"What the hell just happened?" Quentin demanded.

"We woke you up to the truth." Oliver said as he entered the room from putting William down for a nap.

"Oliver. For should I say, Green Arrow?" Quentin asked and Oliver smiled.

"Oliver in public. It's good to have you back." Oliver said as he and Quentin shook hands before he turned back to his daughter.

"Are you my Laurel?" Quentin asked and since she'd been brought up to speed on the whole Black Siren thing, Laurel understood why he'd ask that.

"Yeah dad, it's me." Laurel said with a smile as Quentin threw his arms around her and hugged her tightly and actually cried into her shoulder.

"I missed you so much baby." Quentin wept as Laurel rubbed soothing circles into his back.

"Hey dad, we're both here now. We're okay. And it wasn't your fault." Laurel said.

"But if I hadn't had thrown in with Damien Darhk." Quentin began.

"He would've killed me either way because I'm the Black Canary. It wasn't your fault." Laurel said as she tried to calm him down.

"And yet you're still going to be the Black Canary?" Quentin asked.

"She's who I am. The best version of me. A hero." Laurel said.

"And she's also the best of us. Besides, we won't have to worry about Darhk this time around." Oliver said.

"Why?" Quentin asked.

"Because Sara is also aware of what's going on and the way she got her freedom from the League this time was by killing Darhk. We don't have to worry about him again." Oliver said and Quentin sighed in relief.

"That's good to know. Speaking of Sara, where is she?" Quentin asked.

"She's packing. She got recruited for the Legends again." Oliver said.

"Still can't believe that's what they're calling themselves." Laurel said and Oliver chuckled.

"Thea had a similar reaction." Oliver said with a chuckle.

"I'll talk to her, but Oliver, there's something else I need to know." Quentin said.

"What?" Oliver asked.

"Black Siren, did she?" Quentin asked and Oliver understood what he was asking.

"Yeah, she did. You were right, there was good in her and while she struggled to overcome her past at times, Felicity especially, helped her move forward. She even took up the Black Canary mantle." Oliver said and Quentin smiled.

"So, my evil doppelganger was redeemed?" Laurel asked.

"She was never truly evil Laurel, she was just lost. We helped her find her way back to who she was before she became Black Siren." Oliver said.

"I'm just glad to know that there was good in her, though I'll definitely take my Laurel over her." Quentin said and Oliver smiled.

"So will I." Oliver said as he kissed Laurel's forehead.

"Have you talked to Felicity?" Quentin asked, since he didn't want his daughter to get hurt by Oliver again.

"Yeah. She, John and Thea are all aware like you are and I've already talked to her and we've agreed that we're better off as friends then as lovers. She's actually dating Tommy now." Oliver assured him.

"Good. This version of you, I don't mind Laurel dating, since I know that there's no one better for her or my grandson. It's weird to think of William as my grandson." Quentin said.

"Imagine being his mother." Laurel pointed out.

"Fair enough. This is going to take some getting used to." Quentin said.

"Yeah, there's still stuff I need to bring you both up to speed on from after you died." Oliver said.

"Well then, let's get started." Quentin said and Oliver nodded as they sat down on the couch and Oliver began to tell them about everything they'd missed.

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