Chapter 2

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When Oliver woke up, he found himself in a hospital bed. When he got his bearings, he realized that he was back in a hospital room at Starling General.

He looked out at the skyline of Star city and noticed how much better the city looked. The thing that really stood out to him was the fact that Queen Consolidated still existed. And if he did things right, it still would.

However, any other thoughts left his mind when he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

"Oliver." Moira Queen asked as Oliver turned to face her.

"Hi mom." Oliver said with a tearful smile as he hugged her tightly, remembering how it felt when he'd lost not only her, but her earth two doppelganger to. But the fact that he was holding his real mom, made him even more tearful and swore that he'd kill Slade before allowing him to kill his mother again. He would not lose anyone again. He was already mentally adding several names to the list. Malcolm Merlyn, Adrian Chase, Ricardo Diaz, Dante, and most importantly, Damien Darhk. Oliver was going to put Darhk in the ground the moment he was dumb enough to try to enter his city. And he knew that Sara would be more than willing to help him with that, if she didn't try to beat him to it.

Moira just cried into his chest tears of joy that her son was alive. Her boy was home.

Oliver smiled when the car pulled up to the Queen Mansion.

"I'll take that." Oliver said as he grabbed the chest with chinese writing on it before the chauffeur could.

"Your room is exactly the way you left it. I never had the heart to change anything." Moira said with a smile as she showed Oliver into the mansion.

"It feels so weird to be back here again. I never thought I would." Oliver said as Walter approached them.

"Oliver, so good to see you chap." Walter said and Oliver smiled at the sight of Walter and his mother still being married. He honestly thought that Walter was a much better husband for his mother than his father was.

"Walter. I trust you've been minding your manners around my mother?" Oliver asked with a smile.

"How did you?" Moira asked, only to have Oliver point to wedding picture in the foyer.

"Oliver, we thought that?" Moira began.

"Mom, it's fine, dad would've wanted you to move on and so did I. I'm glad you found happiness with someone else. But Walter, if you hurt my mother, well, what I went through on Lian Yu will seem like nothing." Oliver said and Walter looked at him wearily before Oliver just smiled.

"Relax. I'm just making up for all the opportunities I missed to threaten you before." Oliver said and both Moira and Walter sighed in relief.

"I promise I will mind my manners and Thea gave me quite lecture when she found out." Walter assured him.

"Speaking of?" Oliver asked, right as Thea came rushing down the stairs and hugged him.

"I knew it. I knew you were still alive." Thea said happily as she cried tears of joy into her brother's chest.

"Hey sis." Oliver said with a smile.

"I missed you so much." Thea said as Oliver rubbed her back.

"You were with me the whole time." Oliver said as kissed her forehead and looked down at her and he could help but notice how different she looked from the last time he saw her. So young and carefree, not haunted by everything that was coming and if he did his job right, it never would. He would not allow his sister to become haunted by the things he knew she would be forced to do

Moira and Walter smiled as they watched the reunion when there was a knock on the door.

"Who's that?" Oliver asked.

"I have my suspicions." Moira said with a smile as she went to open the door and she smiled when she saw her suspicions were correct and Thea smiled as she let go of her brother.

"Hello Laurel." Moira said with a smile as she showed the woman she now once again hoped would be her daughter-in-law one day, into the mansion.

"Hi Moira." Laurel said as Oliver lost his breath at the sight of her alive again.

"Laurel." Oliver said, not sure what to say.

"Hi Ollie." Laurel said with a smile as she walked right up to Oliver and kissed him passionately and Oliver had to say, this was the best kiss he'd had in years.

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