Chapter 14

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When Oliver returned to the mansion that night, he found John waiting for him, an annoyed look on his face.

"Thank you for meeting me here Dig." Oliver said.

"Surprised you called me, since you're usually very eager to ditch me." John said and Oliver chuckled at his tone of voice.

"I actually asked you to come here so I could bring you up to speed on why I've been ditching you lately." Oliver said.

"Really." John said.

"Yep." Oliver said as he walked up to John and tapped the memory ring against his arm, having the desired effect.

"What the hell." John asked as Oliver grabbed a trash can just in time for him to puke in.

"I thought you only did that when you move at superspeed." Oliver said.

"Very funny Oliver. That was a huge shock." John said as Oliver smiled.

"So, you remember, Spartan?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, I remember everything. Brother." John said with a smile as he regained his composure and they hugged.

"It's good to have you back at my side." Oliver said.

"Thanks. But Oliver, I'm so sorry that I wasn't there when you died." John said.

"But you brought me back. That's what matters. We're brothers John. And I need you to have my back because we are dealing with a much larger threat than we did before." Oliver said.

"What do you mean?" John asked.

"Malcolm isn't just doing an Undertaking, those guys who attacked us at the party, they were Thanatos Guild." Oliver said.

"Are you sure?" John asked.

"Positive. I guess destroying part of the city wasn't enough for Malcolm, he needed his own army to make sure it was done right." Oliver said.

"Of course he did. Oliver, you realize that is a lot more than we can handle alone." John said.

"Which is why it won't just be us. Laurel, Thea, they also remember everything and I'm going to be restoring Felicity and Roy's memories too." Oliver said and John smiled.

"Wait, Laurel remembers?" John asked.

"Yeah and we're still together. I'm going to have a talk with Felicity about that." Oliver said.

"Yeah, that'll go well." John said.

"We can hope. Because I'm not dumping Laurel for Felicity and besides, on this earth, Felicity is in a happy relationship with Tommy." Oliver said.

"Huh, so your former girlfriend is now dating Laurel's former boyfriend?" John asked.

"It's better not to think about it." Oliver said and John nodded in agreement.

"Probably. So, who else remembers what happened?" John asked.

"Not sure. Only people I know of who remember what happened are me, you, Thea, Laurel, Sara, Barry, Cisco, Kara, J'onn and Batwoman." Oliver said.

"I'm guessing Cisco is where you got that ring?" John asked.

"Yep. He'll be sending your suit along once he finishes it." Oliver said and John chuckled.

"Great. So, what's the plan in the meantime?" John asked.

"I'm going to be taking over my family's company so that I can stop it from acquiring Unidac Industries." Oliver said.

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