Chapter 3

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When Oliver and Laurel broke apart, Laurel smiled at him tearfully.

"I never thought I'd see you again." Laurel said as she cupped his face with her hands.

"I never lost hope that one day I'd see you again." Oliver told her and Laurel smiled.

"Well, I'm glad you feel like that, because there's something I need to talk to you about." Laurel said and Oliver noticed how nervous she'd gotten and then he noticed the way his mother, Walter and Thea were looking at each other and he was beginning to have his suspicions.

"Yeah sure." Oliver said as he let Laurel lead him into a sideroom.

"So, what is it?" Oliver asked her.

"Ollie, I'm not sure if you remember this, but before you left on that boat ride, we were both at one of Tommy's ridiculous parties and we both got drunk?" Laurel asked.

"Vaguely." Oliver said, though his suspicions were practically confirmed.

"Well, I think you can at least guess what happened after the party." Laurel said.

"So, I think I know what you're going to tell me." Oliver said and Laurel nodded.

"Yeah, I got pregnant with your baby." Laurel said, nervously.

"So, do I have a son or a daughter?" Oliver asked, taking her aback.

"A son. His name is William." Laurel said.

"Where is he?" Oliver asked.

"With my dad. I wasn't sure how you'd react after coming home to find out you're a father." Laurel said.

"I'd be insulted, but considering how old me used to be, I can understand that." Oliver said.

"So, how do you feel now?" Laurel asked nervously.

"Guilty that I missed the first 5 years of my son's life and that you had to raise him by yourself." Oliver said, though he was actually relieved that he had a real chance to be a father to his son in this new multiverse and he wasn't going to waste it.

"Really?" Laurel asked.

"Yeah really. Laurel, I want to be a part of my kid's life." Oliver said.

"That's a relief. Because I was going to get my dad to arrest you if you tried to skip town." Laurel said.

"I'm not that guy anymore. I've had 5 years to think about my life and what I would do with it if I ever did manage to get home to you." Oliver said.

"And?" Laurel asked.

"I always pictured coming home and starting a family with you. It seems like those plans just got accelerated a bit." Oliver said and Laurel smiled.

"Good answer." Laurel said as she kissed him.

"So, when do I get to meet him?" Oliver asked and Laurel smiled.

"Tomorrow. Today and tonight, you're all mine." Laurel said.

"I like the sound of that." Oliver said as they kissed again, only to have to break apart when they heard Moira cough to get their attention.

"I'm glad to see that Oliver's taking the news that he's a father well." Moira said.

"Yeah mom. I'm actually looking forward to being a father." Oliver said.

"Good, now, it's time for dinner. I've had Raisa prepare all your favorites." Moira said.

"Great, I haven't had a decent meal in five years." Oliver said.

"I know. Come on." Moira said with a smile, clearly happy that she not only had her son back, but there was a very good chance that she'd be able to call Laurel her daughter-in-law soon.

When they returned to the foyer, Oliver smiled at the sight of Tommy Merlyn now waiting for them.

"What did I tell you man, yachts suck." Tommy said with a wide smile as Oliver walked up and hugged him.

"Tommy Merlyn." Oliver said with a laugh.

"I knew you were too stubborn to be dead." Tommy said as everyone else smiled at the reunion.

"Okay, it's time for dinner." Moira said as she moved this reunion into the dining room.

"Okay so, what did you miss over the past five years. ? Super Bowl winners: Giants, Steelers, Saints, Packers, Giants again. A black president, that's new. Oh, and Lost. They were all dead." Tommy said as they all sat down at dinner, Laurel sitting on Oliver's left and Thea was sitting to his right.

"What was it like there?" Thea asked.

"Thea." Moira scolded.

"No mom, it's fine and to answer your question Thea, it was cold." Oliver said simply.

"Well, you never have to go through that again. I'm so glad you're home." Laurel said as she rubbed his shoulders.

"Is there anything else I should know about?" Oliver asked.

"Well, over the past year, it seems like Star City has developed a bit of a vigilante problem." Moira said.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.

"I mean about a year ago, a mysterious woman in black began running around the Glades, beating the crap out of criminals and about 6 months, a small archer in red started working with her. Criminals looking to undermine the hardworking police officers of this city." Moira said.

"They're actually getting stuff done in the Glades. Crime has gone down exponentially since the vigilantes became active." Thea said before noticing Laurel shooting her a look that read calm down.

However, what they didn't know was that Oliver had caught the look and thought that this would actually make things easier for him.

"Laurel, Thea, can I talk to you guys in private after dinner?" Oliver asked and both girls nodded, wondering if Oliver was somehow onto them.

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