Chapter 17

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"Oliver, what an unexpected surprise." Moira said pleasantly when Raisa showed her son into the parlor.

"There's something we need to talk about." Oliver said.

"Okay, please sit down." Moira said as she gestured for Oliver to join her on the couch.

"I know about the Undertaking." Oliver, said, shocking her, since that was the last thing she expected him to say.

"How, how do you know?" Moira asked.

"You'll know in a second." Oliver said as he tapped the memory ring against her arm.

"What was that?" Moira asked when the memories, including the memory of her own death, finished flashing before her eyes.

"That was me restoring your memories of how things were." Oliver said.

"I remember now." Moira said.

"You remember how I know about the Undertaking." Oliver asked and Moira nodded.

"That, and more importantly, I remember that you're a hero and that I could not be prouder to call you my son." Moira said and Oliver smiled as they hugged.

"I missed you so much mom." Oliver said and Moira smiled.

"I remember my own death. That's new." Moira said.

"I promise you, this time Slade will not get a chance to lay a finger on you. I beat him before and now I've got even more experience. There's not a move he's got that I don't know how to counter. But mom, I woke you up so you'd remember that you don't need to stay in bed with Merlyn to protect us. Thea and I can take care of ourselves." Oliver said.

"What do you mean?" Moira asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Malcolm brought Thea into this life after you died. He trained her, gave her a very similar skill set as myself and then about a year later, despite my protests, she joined my team. I called her Speedy." Oliver said and Moira actually chuckled.

"So, your sister is a vigilante?" Moira asked.

"She tried walking away from it multiple times, but it never lasted. Like me, she found this life to bring out the best in her." Oliver said.

"So both of my children are heroes. I guess that means that I did something right." Moira said with a smile.

"Mom, I know about Emiko." Oliver said.

"What?" Moira asked.

"About a year before the crisis, Emiko came into my life as my enemy because of what you and dad did to her and her mother." Oliver said.

"Oliver, I am not proud of what I did to them, but at the time, I thought I was doing what was best for our family. I realize now that I was wrong. But I have to know, did Emiko ever come around?" Moira asked and Oliver nodded.

"She did, right before she died. This time I can save her, show her that she has a place in our family." Oliver said.

"She should've had one all along. Your father wanted to be there for her, but I wouldn't let her." Moira said and Oliver could tell that his mother was truly repentant for what she did.

"You can tell her that yourself when I find her and restore her memories." Oliver said.

"Oliver, I can't pull out of the Undertaking. Malcolm already took your father from me and you and Thea can't keep looking over your shoulders forever and what if he tries to make a move on Walter again. I just got my family back, I can't lose it again." Moira said.

"I will deal with Malcolm. I've done it before and I will do it again. Even if there is a tiny bit of good in him." Oliver said reluctantly.

"What are you talking about?" Moira asked.

"The way Malcolm really died, he stepped on landmine to save Thea's life. It's a long story you can ask her about, but honestly, that doesn't change anything. Malcolm and I will come to blows and when we do, I'm going to kill him. And this time, I'm gonna make it stick." Oliver said.

"As much as I want to get out of bed with Malcolm, I can't risk him doing something to my family." Moira said.

"Mom, Malcolm has been making your life a living a hell for years. It's time to take that power away from him. Show him that you're strong enough not to bend to him anymore. Because mom, Thea and I, we both got our strength from you." Oliver said.

"Maybe. I'll think about it." Moira said and Oliver nodded, knowing that was probably the best he was going to get from her at the moment, though Oliver was certain that this time she'd do the right thing.

"Maybe we could have John shadow Walter a bit if you do decide to pull out of the Undertaking." Oliver said and Moira nodded consideringly as she hugged him before showing him out.

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