Chapter 7

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Oliver and Tommy were driving through the Glades later that day.

"So, how'd the father-son reunion go?" Tommy asked.

"Awkward." Oliver said.

"Thea now owes me ten bucks." Tommy said happily and Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Wait, you two bet on how it would go?" Oliver asked, not really surprised.

"Are you really that surprised?" Tommy asked, not at all sorry.

"Not really." Oliver admitted.

"Good. Thea was certain that William would be happy you're back and would instantly love you while I was pretty sure that William would be distant towards you, since you disappeared from his life for years and since I know how it feels to have your father disappear from your life and then suddenly reappear in it, I was pretty sure I'd win." Tommy said.

"Yeah. I mean I didn't that he'd warm up to me immediately, but still." Oliver said.

"Look Ollie, as someone who's been on William's end of the abandonment thing, can I offer you some advice on how not to end up like my dad and I?" Tommy asked.

"Please." Oliver said.

"Just be there for William. Show him that you're not going anywhere again. Who knows, maybe if my dad had actually acted like one when he came back, things between us might not be so messed up." Tommy said and Oliver nodded as they pulled up to the old Queen Steel Mill.

"This part of the city went to crap man, your dad sold his factory right on time." Tommy said.

"And put dozens of people out of work." Oliver mumbled as he thought of the Reston family for starters.

"Is there any reason you wanted to stop by here?" Tommy asked.

"Nah, just wanted to see how the whole city has changed while I was away." Oliver said and Tommy nodded as they drove off.

"So, your funeral blew." Tommy said as they drove through one of the better parts of Star City.

"Did you get lucky?" Oliver asked, still unable to believe that Tommy had used his funeral as a means of getting laid.

"Fish in a barrel. They were so sad. And huggy." Tommy said.

"I'm guessing you got a similar result at Sara's funeral?" Oliver asked.

"Oh yeah." Tommy said.

"I see that you really haven't really changed." Oliver said.

"Why mess with perfection?" Tommy asked and Oliver rolled his eyes.

"So, even though I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this, I have to know, what did you miss the most while you were gone?" Tommy asked.

"You already know." Oliver said.

"Still, I want to hear you say it." Tommy said.

"Laurel." Oliver admitted.

"I'm just curious, why haven't you put a ring on her yet?" Tommy asked.

"I've only been back a day Tommy and Laurel and I are both different people then we were five years ago. We need time to get to know each other again." Oliver said and Tommy nodded as they pulled up to a place for lunch.

However, as they walked towards the restaurant, Oliver felt something prick his neck and saw Tommy collapse before he did himself.

When Oliver came to, he found himself once again tied to a chair in a warehouse.

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