Not here. Please.

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T.W- Blood, bullying

(Peter's P.O.V)

Sitting in Chem class I was barely paying attention, just waiting for the final bell to go so I can leave and go home.

Dad said I can go into the lab and we can work on the suits, then he said I can go see the interns and help them.

(Usually he doesn't let me because he doesn't like me being stolen. Stupid. I know.)

I'm snapped from my thoughts as I hear, "before you go class, I have an announcement."

This catches everyone's attention as they all look forward toward our teacher, Mr Sawyer.

"We are very privileged to be able to go here, you will need to grab a slip when you leave and hand it in tomorrow as we will be going on the trip this Friday," he explains, everyone is on the edge of their seat waiting for the news on where we are going.

"We are going to... Stark industries," Mr Sawyer exclaimed, excited tone evident in his voice.

Everyone is suddenly shouting, joy radiating from everyone, but me.

Flash turns to me with an evil smirk, as we make eye contact he lifts his hand and drags it ever so slowly across his neck, signalling 'the death of me.'

I sigh as Ned turns to me excited saying, "dude, I wish I could go," he pouts, I look in confusion at him not understanding why he can't go.

He seems to understand as he says, "I have a doctors appointment that day."

I frown and nod, "you can come over and we can go on our own tour, a better one," I say.

He seems to light up and nods quickly, I laugh at what he does.

The bell finally goes and I jump up, Ned beside me as I grab a slip and walk out of school.

Thankfully Flash didn't follow.

The problem is, if Ned isn't going on the trip I'm going to be on my own as MJ isn't in our class.

Saying goodbye to Ned I head over to Uncle Happy's car and hop into the back, not saying a word as I think of a way to get around this.


"Pete I heard you have a trip. Here," my dad says as we are all sat around the table.

It was nice, you know, quite conversions around the table, until now.

Looking up slightly startled I start to shake my head as I look around and see everyone looking at me with a mischievous smile.

My dad makes a disapproving sound as he pulls out the slip and places it onto the table.

Sighing I lower my gaze as everyone around me starts shouting and laughing at 'my luck.'

I already know this is not going to go my way.

(TIME SKIP "Name me please :(") ------>

Today is the day.

The day my whole life will fall apart, right in front of my eyes.

I can already tell.

Flash can't seem to leave me alone as he constantly throws paper balls at my head and limited rude remarks (They are all the same).

I just ignore him and listen to music, looking out the window as I'm on the way back to the place I left just a couple hours ago.

My home.

Peter Stark field tripsWhere stories live. Discover now