Chapter 8| Fire that flows through me

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You had stayed up the whole night sitting against the wall.You donʼt want to go anywhere or see anyone, But needed to figure out why Iʼm acting like this. You went to someone you hadnʼt spoken to in ages.

"Hello dr. Han." She looked up,

"hello y/n. Itʼs been a while since we last spoke."

"Yes it has.""Are you here for another recommendation? You know you can always email or call my cell for things like-"

"Actually! Iʼm here for a session with you."

"Oh..well then, please have a seat Iʼll call you in shortly." I nodded my head.

——Tae POV ——

"Youʼre call has been forwarded..."


I'm going to bang on the door until he answers, "JK OPEN THE DOOR WE NEED TO TALK."

The door swung open to a very drained kook. Heʼs so pale and his eyes are red and swollen.

"I donʼt want to talk to you." His voice is gone too.

"Has she answered you?" I asked

"No. She hasnʼt come home either."

Heʼs definitely shaken by all this but he doesnʼt even know the half of what he did.

"Taehyung canʼt you please tell me what I did to her. You know I never wanted to hurther."

"I know you didnʼt. But youʼll just have to wait for her to tell you."

Jung kook sighed, "What about you and jimin?"

"Still gone MIA...maybe he went back to Paris. We still have a month and a half left till the vacation is over."

"Do you think you guys will get past this." Jungkook asked. I wasn't sure if he was really asking about us or if he was asking for his relationship with y/n.

"We have to..otherwise weʼll really be over."

—-y/n pov ——-

"So youʼre experiencing some PTSD from-"

"Yes." I interrupted.

"Do you know what triggered it?"

"A number of first was when I saw that monster at the museum. I felt stuck, helpless and weak. Thankfully a friend was able to get me out and get me in a good head space."

"Okay remember not to give him the satisfaction of calling him a monster. The bastard's a human, nothing more. And the other triggers..?"

"Well its a little complicated."

"Take your time."

"I've sort of been seeing this client I have, and we have yet to reveal our feelings-- well mostly me. But that night that I saw him, that friend made a move-"

"Your friend triggered it?" she asked shockingly.

"No. After we made out I told him it wasnʼt right since I was seeing the client, who also happens to be a brother to him."

"Oh my..." she said.

"So then my client busts in and sees me on top of my friend and he goes ballistic. Heʼs yelling and he grabs me...and he t-t-touched me" I shivered replaying the scene over and over in my head.

Jungkook as the monster that had raped me a few years ago. I know he wouldnʼt do such a thing to anyone but he still tried to force himself onto me.

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