Chapter 12| LUX: SÌRENE 2

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"I heard you own the club!" Jimin said.

"So are you going to let me in or what?" He seemed more demanding than questioning.

Jimin called you up around 11pm escort him into the club. You remembered how Jungkook mentioned he was to afraid to walk in by himself.

"Can't Tae just go in with you?" You groaned.

You heard him laugh, "it's not about going in alone y/n. It's about power! I can't walk in with just anybody."

You rolled your eyes as you heard him apologize to Taehyung in the background,

"but I need the queen to walk in with me otherwise there is no point!"

"Fine but you know this isn't just any club, right?."

"I know EXACTLY what I'm getting myself into y/n." He emphasized.

"Alright when do you want to go?" You yawned slowly falling back to sleep.

"In an hour." Before you could protest he hung up.

You had finally finished your work and about to receive the best slumber of your life and now you have to party with Jimin. As a fan girl you're freaking out right now but your need for sleep outways your excitement.

But you knew this was probably once in a lifetime opportunity so you got ready ASAP.


You bang the door until Jungkook answered. When he did a chuck of hair was sticking up.

"..y/ whats up?...Are you having bad *yawn* dreams again."

Your boyfriend looked so tired you almost felt bad for waking him up. Nonetheless you gave him a kiss in the cheek.

"We have to go out tonight." He sat on the couch totally out of it.

"Where are we going?" He yawned and plopped down on the couch.

You quickly ran upstairs, picked some clothes from his closet And handed to him.

"Baby go take a shower and be ready in 20 minutes. Jimin is coming to get us."

He finally woke up. "Why is Jimin getting you at a time like this?"

He got up all defensive pulling me close to him. He looked at you with jealousy written all over his face.

"Don't worry I said I wouldn't go without you. Now go get ready, I'll be waiting for you."

He rushed up the glass staircase and turned to look at you re-applying lipstick. He hadn't notice that you were wearing something new. Something sexy. The outfit hugged your curves just right, and the way the moonlight reflecting on the glass gave you a godlike shine. He was mesmerized by the way you looked.

Jungkook bit his lip and continued up the stairs. He knew exactly what he was going to do to you when you got home.


"Hurry up and open the fucking door!" Jimin relentlessly knock until the door swung open.

You looked at him in disbelief, "can you chill out? I've got neighbors and your being loud."

"I'm sorry but your taking forever." He huffed.

"Jimin you've been waiting for 3 minutes."

"My point exactly. You don't keep greatness waiting."

He pushed passed me and yelled for Jungkook. Taehyung sighed completely admiring his lover.

"Isn't He just beautiful?" You rolled your eyes.

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