Chapter 15| LUX: SÌRENE 3

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"When you said you wanted to go out tonight, I thought maybe dinner or something but this..."

Jungkook looked up to see orgies on the glass ceiling. He quickly looked away when one girl spotted him through the glass.

"This is a little intense, no?" Jungkook stuttered.

You removed your hoodie, "a while back you said you wanted to explore this realm. Are you saying you're not interested anymore?" You pouted

"I mean- it's not that I'm not interested-"

Two dominatrix came out with their men crawling in masks covered in whip scars. His eyes were just a pool of blue. There was no life, he was fucked out of his mind. Literally.

"Just promise me that I won't come out looking like that!"

"I'll take extra good care of you~" You tugged Jungkook by his pants, pushing past the double doors and entered the room.

Compared to the rest of the building this room had the most lighting. It was just enough to see the person in front of you.

You sat Jungkook down on the couch as you began to light the candles. Sneaking glances at him, jungkook seemed
Ore nervous then usual. The door opened once again and a familiar face walked in.

"Hey babe!"

"Trixie! Did you bring what I asked?"

She nodded and set a silver platter with a contract and a gold cup filled with red liquid.

She flashed her eyes at Jungkook, "he really is something else.."

She reached for him when you tackled her instead. Jungkook stood frozen

"For the last time, babe, he's mine" you said sternly as you squeezed her throat tighter.

She was a sucker for a good choker, her face began to turn red with pleasure,

"[Sei sicuro di questo?] are you sure about that?" She laughed

"[sei disposto a rischiare la vita per scoprirlo?] are you willing to risk your life to find out?" You glared at her.

Trixie was the daughter of a mafia boss but when he was taken out she turned to the only thing she was good at for a living. She was a spoiled brat who always got what she wanted even during sex. So for her not to be able to have something pisses her off and she begins to lust for it even more.

However, she knows when she's beaten and You have shown her that she holds no power.

"Uh, y/n?" Jungkook asked nervously.

You looses your grip and she immediately pushed up on you,

"Well that was fun. It was nice meeting you mister, she must really love you."

She strutted her way out the room, "I'll make sure to lock up for you two love birds. Ciao~"

You laughed as you straddled Jungkook,

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