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' ' It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen ; but it's harder to give up when you know it's everything you've ever wanted. ' '

' ' You'll always be the favorite what if. ' '

' ' The wolf in my heart will never let the world see the lamb in my soul. But sometimes you can see it in my eyes. ' '

Name || Idalia ("behold the sun")

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Name || Idalia ("behold the sun")

Age || 16

Gender || Female

Species || Amur Leopard

Appearance || Idalia differs from other leopards by her thick fur that is pale cream-colored, particularly in winter. Her rosettes on her flanks are widely spaced with thick, unbroken rings and darkened centers. Her fur is fairly soft with long and dense hair. The length of hair on her back is 0.98 inches in summer and 2.8 inches in winter. Idalia's winter coat is fairly light yellow with strawberry colored rosettes. Her circular markings are located oblong on her back, sides, and limbs. The females strawberry markings are smaller on her neck, head, shoulders, and tail. The spots on her chest form a 'necklace' pattern. On her stomach, upper inner legs, and some places in her face, her fur shows a bright white color. In summer, her fur is brighter with more vivid coloration pattern. Her tail is 34 inches long, and she stands at at shoulder height of 29 inches. She weighs 94 lbs of muscle. This leopards paw pads and nose, unlike others, hold a pink coloration to them. In her large paws are long, dangerous claws that aren't a usual black color. Instead, they're more whiteish, allowing you to see where the nerves in her claws are.

Personality || Idalia is a pretty laid back kinda person. She isn't constantly in your face, or bugging you unless the subject is imperative, or your being summoned by someone else. Being this way can make her feel more approachable than most other cats. Besides being kinda chill, Idalia is optimistic and positive. She always seems to be happy and in her own world. Often, when she's in camp or laying in her favorite tree, she'll end up zoning out for a while just to think.

While she is genuinely happy, she isn't exactly confident in herself. Idalia is fine with her body, and knows certainly well that she has a good attitude, but it's her abilities that she lacks confidence in. She may come off as cowardice, but she's really not. She'll easily throw herself into action. However, she doesn't believe that she'll be able to take on an animal much larger than her, like a lion or a bear.

Being friendly has its perks, but Idalia is more so quiet. No, not the "I won't talk to you or will only give half effort replies". She's just more of a listener than a talker, and would rather hear someone else talk than her do all the talking. She also doesn't take all social cues well. She is working on this, though. All in all, she very friendly with her peers and tries her best not to hurt anyone, both physically and emotionally.

Rank || Apprentice

Mate || None

Cubs || Nope

Other || She is one of the only two leopards in the world who have her fur color. She can't swim well, but can fish when necessary. She can climb and run like a pro, though.

 She can climb and run like a pro, though

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