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g e n e r a l

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.g e n e r a l. 

NAME.♕ kalina
NAME MEANING. ♕ kalina as a girl's name is of Slavic origin meaning "flower". it is also an Australian aboriginal name that originated with the Wemba Wemba tribe of Northwestern Victoria with the meaning "to love". kalina is also the Hawaiian form for Colleen.
AGE.♕ 2 years
RANK. (HUNTER, GUARD)♕ failed experiment hunter
BREED.♕ standard poodle
MUTATION/POWER.♕ to put it simply in one word. elastigirl. if you don't know who this is, you're an uncultured swine and need to be taught what real movies are like. an explanation, her abilities are basically elastic. she can stretch any part of her body to different sizes and shapes are will, and can even change her body into things she can thing of. example, elastigirl was able to change her body into a boat and a parachute. she can change her body similarly to this, though it takes more thought than her general stretching her limbs. her body and organs, just as well, can stretch to accommodate the changing of her body.
MUTATION/POWER LIMIT.♕ if she holds a stretched position for too long, she can get bad muscle cramps. like full-body charlie-horses. if you've never experienced one, then you won't know how painful it it. just the same, if she stretches a lot in one day, her limbs can feel like jello, and wobbly / unstable. which throws her off balance, and essentially to the point where she might not be able to move for a day, depending on how much she stretched and how long she was stretching.

 which throws her off balance, and essentially to the point where she might not be able to move for a day, depending on how much she stretched and how long she was stretching

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.p h y s i q u e.

SHORT DESCRIPTION.♕ a female red standard poodle with a sporty clip and deep brown eyes
DETAILED DESCRIPTION.♕ ( ignore that this isn't edited lmao ) kalina is a medium-sized, squarely built dog with a distinctive harsh curly coat that may be presented in any of several traditional Poodle clips or corded. her ears are long, drop, and densely feathered. her tail is docked, set high, and typically carried erect. The length of her body (sternum to point of buttocks) is equal to her height (withers to ground). her head is proportionate to her size. when viewed from the side, the skull and muzzle are roughly parallel to one another and joined by a slight but definite stop. the skull is long and moderately rounded on top. cheeks are clean and flat. in profile, the muzzle is straight and roughly equal in length to the length of the skull, measured from stop to occiput. the muzzle is fine with a slight chiseling under the eyes but with sufficient depth of underjaw to prevent snipiness. lips are tight with black, appropriate to coat color. the Standard Poodle has a complete set of evenly spaced, white teeth meeting in a scissors bite. eyes are oval in shape and set sufficiently wide apart to give an alert, intelligent expression. her eyes are dark brown, though may look like a dark amber depending on lighting. her ears are dropped with long, wide, densely-feathered ear leather. Ears are set at or slightly below eye level and hang close to the head. the neck is of sufficient length and strength to permit the head to be carried high when standing or moving. the neck blends smoothly into well-laid-back shoulders. the skin on the neck and throat is tight. shoulders are smoothly muscled. she shoulder blades are long and well laid back. the upper arm appears to be equal in length to that of the shoulder blade and joins it at an apparent right angle. elbows are close to the body. the forelegs are straight with bone and muscle proportionate to the size of the dog. pasterns are strong and slightly sloping. viewed from the front, the forelegs are parallel. viewed from the side, the point of elbow is directly below the withers. a properly proportioned Standard Poodle is square, with the length of body (measured from prosternum to point of buttocks) equal to height (measured from the withers to the ground). the length of the front leg (measured from point of elbow to the ground) is just slightly longer than half the dog's height. the line of the back drops off almost imperceptibly behind the withers and is then level. the loin is short, broad and muscular with moderate tuck-up. the ribs extend well back and are well sprung out from the spine, then curving down and inward to form a deep body. the brisket extends to the elbow. viewed from the front, the chest is well filled and moderately wide. hindquarters are muscular and with broad second thighs. the angulation of the hindquarters is in balance with the angulation of the forequarters. the stifles are well bent and the hocks are well let down. when the dog is standing, the short, strong rear pasterns are perpendicular to the ground and, viewed from the rear, parallel to each other. in profile, the croup is nearly flat. good feet are essential for a working gun dog. the feet are relatively small, oval in shape and compact with well-arched toes and thick, elastic pads. feet do not turn in or out. nails are short and dark. the tail is straight, set high, and customarily docked to a length proportionate to the size of the dog. whether standing or moving, the tail is carried erect. the Standard Poodle has harsh, dense, curly coat. she has dark eyes; black noses, eye rims and lips; and black or self-colored nails. coat color, dark apricot, is solid and even. when trotting, the gait is effortless, smooth, powerful and well coordinated, showing good reach in front and drive behind. action is light and springy with head and tail carried up. 
SCENT.♕ vanilla and nutmeg
PHYSICAL STRENGTHS.♕ she can stretch to extraordinary lengths ,, the's very fast and agile ,, can jump high heights ,, her light weight makes her faster than most of the other dogs ,, long legs ,, can swim well 
PHYSICAL WEAKNESSES.♕ not as large as the bigger dogs ,, not as strong as the larger dogs ,, can be overpowered by other dogs bigger than her 

♕ not as large as the bigger dogs ,, not as strong as the larger dogs ,, can be overpowered by other dogs bigger than her 

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.m e n t a l. 

DETAILED PERSONALITY.♕ kalina  is a rather quiet girl at first meet. she's rather shy and awkward towards new people. though she can be more friendly towards females at first meet, it takes time for her to grow more comfortable around males. always cautious and nervous around them. remaining silent with a blank expression. reserved, she doesn't tend to talk much. even around friends, they'll tell you shes a silent one. once she's comfortable enough to come out of her shell, prepare yourself. she's energetic and will ramble on about the randomness things. often times her words will slur together or seem unclear because of this. she's quite the lover, and not much of a fighter. however, when it comes down to it, she will defend her friends with nasty words and harsh nips. hiding her fiery temper deep inside. to add to her friends, shes basically one of the group therapists. often just offering a shoulder to lean on or lending an ear. sometimes she will give advice when it seems fit. or tell you what she thinks you should do, but it's all for the best. truthfully, many don't realize this, but she listens to other peoples problems and doesn't talk about her own as a defence mechanism. what does that mean? she avoids talking about her problems so that she won't let others in too deep, for fear of losing them or being hurt by them. she can be a little bossy and snappy sometimes, or even quiet and reserved, but in the end she could make a good friend of given the chance. her attitude towards you will all depend on how you treat her. she also is a bit of a perfectionist. fussing to herself and holding herself at such high standards. sometimes fussing about the littlest thing, which can be annoying. she's also indecisive. but when she does choose, she becomes almost obsessive. she's either all in, or all out. not a mix. and she can go from one to the other real quick.
PREFERRED GENDER.♕ female ,, she/her
MENTAL STRENGTHS.♕ she seems to get over things fast ,, she's known to be reliable ,, she's patient and can tolerate a lot more than others might not be able to ,, hard-working when she actually works ,, aware ,, you only know what she wants you to know
MENTAL WEAKNESSES.♕ doesn't let anyone in ,, set in her mind ,, overthinks a lot ,, procrastinates a lot ,, very critical and others find it annoying ,, hates feeling weak and won't break down ( even if she wants to ) ,, she doesn't reveal anything
LIKES.♕ the night ,, the stars ,, small animals ,, anything fluffy ,, water ,, rain ,, the warmth ,, romance
DISLIKES.♕ disloyalty ,, feeling uncomfy ,, feeling weak ,, showing weakness ,, intense humidity ,, hornets ,, assholes 

♕ disloyalty ,, feeling uncomfy ,, feeling weak ,, showing weakness ,, intense humidity ,, hornets ,, assholes 

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.r e l a t i o n s.

FAMILY.♕ beau ,, a black male standard poodle. amor ,, an apricot colored female standard poodle. she has three siblings, being the first born of four siblings. 
MATE.♕ none yet
CRUSH.♕ none yet ,, open to develop
ENEMIES.♕ none yet ,, open

♕ none yet ,, open

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.e x t r a. 

TAGS.♕ done
OTHER. .♕ none

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