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' ' If you don't get it off your chest, you'll never be able to breathe. ' '

' ' I'm not afraid of the dark, sweetheart. The dark is afraid of me. ' '

Name || Rona

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Name || Rona

Age || 29

Gender || Female

Species || Mountain Lion

Appearance || Rona is a large female, standing at 36 inches tall and weighing in at 145 lbs. While she seems lean, her body is fully pact with muscles ready to spring. Her large paws and long tail help keep her balanced. At the tip of her tail is a dark brown marking, as well as two lines of this color along her muzzle. Her thick pelt carries a reddish brown color, looking more red in the light and more brown in the dark. White lightens up the underside of her body. The small scars on her chest are barely noticeable and can only be seen if you were to groom her chest. Locked into her skull are two olive green eyes with a killer focused stare.

Personality || Rona, from afar, seems pretty intimidating. She has a standoffish personality towards those she isn't close with, and she doesn't trust too easily. This doesn't exactly mix well with her protectiveness towards her pride. While out of camp, she's territorial and always checks the scent markers. If they need to be refreshed, she'll do it herself. Strange to think about, but that's just who Rona is.

If Rona doesn't like you or doesn't trust you, you'll know. She tends to hold grudges until the other person apologizes, even if the issue was her own fault. While mad at you, she'll avoid you at all costs. Conversations? Nope. If she's stuck talking to you or being around you, expect her to ignore you or give the shortest replies you've ever heard.

This female isn't exactly trusting. Emotionally, she seems locked away from the world, guarding herself from everyone and everything. This was caused when her father left her life. Her mother wasn't exactly the comforting type, which led to Rona thinking her dad leaving was her fault. Sometimes, when she's feeling vulnerable, you'll see just how insecure she is about herself as a person.

Beneath this ice-cold exterior, Rona has a warm heart. She's goofy and motherly, one of the reasons she was made a den-mother. Watching Rona with the cubs she cares for, or the fragile elders, can bring a smile to anyone's face. After all, it isn't often that this female shows her softer side to other felines.

Rank || Den-Mother

Mate || None (she's a hard gal to get along with if she doesn't like you)

Cubs || She lost the two cubs she had a long time ago to a bear attack. Since then she's been helping raise the other cubs in the pride.

Other || When there are no cubs to take care of, she'll take a role where ever else she is needed.

Other || When there are no cubs to take care of, she'll take a role where ever else she is needed

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