medieval big cat rp ( silvanus )

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name: silvanus

gender: male

nobility?: nah

job?: he does what he can to help the abandoned young, helpless elders, or those in need. if it includes hunting for them and leaving out kills, teaching young how to hunt, guarding them, or just keeping them company. he's a common folk boi, but he would consider working with the queen to help her insight on the kingdom.

age: 4 years

species and subspecies: Siberian tiger

reputation: generally positive. most common folks and peasants have heard of him, at the very least, and some are even lucky enough to have befriended him. its even heard that's he's thought of adopting a cub. however, there has been a rumor going around that he's becoming violent and crazed. he supposedly just does what he does as a cover. whether you believe the rumor or his reputation is up to you.



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him sticking his tongue out 👆👅

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him sticking his tongue out 👆👅

other: he's a bit 💅 but he also likes 😼 so his sexuality is a question mark. definitely a member of the alphabets mafia tho. I promise he's a sweet boy. adores cuddles and is very cozy to use as a pillow. 12/10, won't even complain if hes uncomfy. also a very good swimmer

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