medieval big cat rp ( disŝiri )

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name: disŝiri

gender: cis-male

nobility?: yes?

job?: knight pls 🥺

age: 5 years

species and subspecies: brazilian jaguar

reputation: a very powerful brute of large size. he holds no mercy on his foes and those who betray him. he has made many powerful allies so far, and is feared by many. and yet, hes also known as a charmer. capable of easily slipping into someones mind without them realizing it, and by then hes already got them hooked.

traits: ( so I dont forget ) charming, cunning, aggressive, observant, authoritative & assertive ( towards those lower than him ), meticulous/precise, adaptable

appearance: he has a lot of scar's that arent present in the photos

appearance: he has a lot of scar's that arent present in the photos

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other: I believe he's heterosexual

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other: I believe he's heterosexual. his romantic orientation is unknown, though many believe its hetero. open to the idea of being a sperm donor. he has philophobia due to his past. he's an excellent fighter, but he is also skilling in hunting.

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