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.g e n e r a l. 


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NAME.♕ osiris
NAME MEANING. (If any. If there's none just put n/a)♕ Osiris is the Egyptian Lord of the Underworld and Judge of the Dead, brother-husband to Isis, and one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt. the name 'Osiris' is the Latinized form of the Egyptian Usir which is interpreted as 'powerful' or 'mighty'.
AGE.♕ 1 year and 10 months
BREED.♕ american bulldog

MUTATION/POWER.♕ osiris is quite unique. his strong mentality served well when his powers came to him. what are they you ask? simple. a controlled psychic shield. what does it do? by the name alone one can semi-understand. any mental/manipulation/psychic abilities does not work on him unless he willingly allows it. an example would be if someone was telepathic and they tried to contact him mentally. they would find their way to his mind, but wouldn't be able to connect without his permission. as if there's a barrier in-between them. 
MUTATION/POWER LIMIT.♕ as useful as this power is, physical powers still have an effect on him. not to mention it can be tiring to keep out others who are powerful with psychic abilities. however, he might still be able to manage. headaches are a pain in the ass though.

.p h y s i q u e.


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SHORT DESCRIPTION.♕ a large white male american bulldog with brown eyes
DETAILED DESCRIPTION.♕ osiris is a stocky, well built, strong-looking dog, with a large head and a muscular build. his eyes are a shade of brown, followed by black rimming. his nose, which can seem very boopable to humans, is colored black, and he holds the desirable black 'lipstick'. his shoulders and chest tend to be the most muscular parts of his body, though dont doubt for a second that the rest of his body isnt muscular as well. he's capable of dragging heavy weights others cant, and can even jump high walls. his white coat is short and generally smooth, requiring little maintenance. under his pelt you might be able to see dark spots on his inner legs and belly due to his love for sun-bathing. his size is certainly remember-able. he is considerably larger than the standard for his breed, as he comes from a long line of large american bulldogs. 
SCENT.♕ apple cinnamon 
PHYSICAL STRENGTHS.♕ for a dog with no physical powers hes very strong and has tons of energy, his size comes to an advantage during fights,  he has fighting experience
PHYSICAL WEAKNESSES.♕ he isnt small so he can't fit into very small or tight spaces well, he doesnt have the physical powers others do so hes at a disadvantage in that area

.m e n t a l. 


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DETAILED PERSONALITY.♕ osiris is a rather confusing guy. he's certainly confident. it speaks clearly for itself in the way he holds himself and the way he moves. his body language clearly stating that he holds no insecurities. however, he's had a few dogs rip him a new one, so he's not as arrogant as others may be or think him as. not to mention he's a bit dominant in his own way. while most dogs act dominant out of fear or insecurity, he has a true dominance. he's comfortable with taking control, has the confidence of an alpha, and will assert himself if he ever finds it needed. he doesn't take disrespect from anyone, no matter the rank, and is quick to act on his words. he's not all bark and no bite. instead a strange mix of both. despite this, he's still friendly. not being rude to anyone or saying harsh words. he even cracks jokes and rough houses with his close friends. he gets along with almost anyone, other than those who feel threatened by him. he does his best to reassure them but it never really works if they feel he might be a rival to their dominance. while many might assume that he's a aggressive dog based off of his breed, he's actually very gentle. very tender towards other dogs that he thinks he need to be that way around. he's also very careful around small dog breeds. watching out for them so he doesn't step on them or rough them up too much. after all, as an athletic dog, he carries a lot of energy in him. he wouldn't want to unleash that on the wrong person and cause injury. on another note, he's loyal. not to just anyone, as he's suspicious of strangers, but to those he considers friends. he would throw himself in front of a bus if it means protecting those he cares about.
PREFERRED GENDER.♕ male, he-him
MENTAL STRENGTHS.♕ hes good at making allies, he can be intimidating towards opponents, his mental shield, he cant be controlled so he can trust his own thinking
MENTAL WEAKNESSES.♕ he can be a bit protective, he's kinda aloof to strangers since he was bred from a line of weight-pulling guard dogs
LIKES.♕ swimming, other dogs, rough housing, tug-o-war, training, hanging out
DISLIKES.♕ disrespect, assholes, the thought that others have manipulation powers

.r e l a t i o n s.

r e l a t i o n s

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FAMILY.♕ none in the rp
MATE.♕ none yet
CRUSH.♕ none yet, open for development
ENEMIES.♕ open

.e x t r a. 


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PASSWORD.♕ will pm you soon
TAGS.♕ will tag people on the teaser
OTHER.♕ might add some fun facts at some point 

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