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.g e n e r a l. 


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NAME.♕ inanna ,, nicknames are ina, anna, nana, spitfire, sassafras, sass-hole, cotton ball, tiny, shortie
NAME MEANING.♕ inanna means "lady of the heavens". it is also the names of the sumerian goddess of love, fertility, beauty, justice, political power, sex, and war
AGE.♕ 3 years and 4 months
RANK. (HUNTER, GUARD)♕ failed experiment ,, possibly hunter
BREED.♕ Pomeranian
MUTATION/POWER.♕ she's a very powerful telekinetic. to the point where she can feel energy, harness it, and give it an outlet. she can even sort of bend gravity a bit. she can also cause things to float and move them with her mind, as this also gives her an outlet for the energy she draws to her.
MUTATION/POWER LIMIT.♕ the fact that she can literally feel energy makes her abilities overwhelming. example, violent energy isn't good for her to be around or even near. the energy from it comes right to her like magnets, and it can cause seizures, brain bleeds, or she creates fires entirely on accident because of it, if she doesn't find a way to release it. she can use her abilities well alone, but being around others is a bit harder because they give off energies that are drawn right to her. however, she can always use the help of an anchor, or someone who deflects these energies, to handle it all better.

.p h y s i q u e.


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SHORT DESCRIPTION.♕ a fluffy orange and white ombre colored female pomeranian with dark eyes
DETAILED DESCRIPTION.♕ inanna has a wedge-shaped head with erect ears. some people describe her faces as fox-like, while others think that "baby-doll" or "pansy" is a better description. her dark, almond-shaped eyes sparkle with intelligence and curiosity. her nose is dark. her distinctive plumed tail fans out over her back. her coloring is a strange mixture, being both orange and white, fading from the orange into a lighter white undercoat, giving an ombre impression. the female's profuse double coat stands out from her body, and she has a luxurious ruff around her neck and chest. her coat looks as though it would be difficult to care for, but in reality, a simple brush is typically all it needs.
SCENT.♕ cocomo - sensuous coconut and vanilla blend
PHYSICAL STRENGTHS.♕ she can fit into spaces others can't ,, her pelt makes her look bigger than she really is ,, her short legs makes her a little slower than larger dogs with longer legs ,, she's pretty agile for her size and can move easily and smoothly ,, she can actually climb pretty well ,, very sneaky since no one tends to think to look down ,, she's gained the habit of chewing on bones so her teeth as sharp
PHYSICAL WEAKNESSES.♕ due to her small size, larger dogs can easily take advantage of her ,, no one would think to find her intimidating and wouldn't take her seriously ,, the side effects of her abilities are harsh and take a toll on her ,, not as strong as much larger dogs

.m e n t a l. 


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DETAILED PERSONALITY.♕ intelligent, bold, knows her limits, sociable, fiery || for starters, inanna is definitely bold. like most of her breed, she walks with her head held high and a pep in her step. with confidence in her posture. she doesn't give in easily and even challenges back with a twinkle in her eye. hell, she's even challenged dogs much larger than her! she's definitely a sassy little ball of fire. very... spirited you could say. a fiery female with a wicked mouth when she wants to be. most of the time, however, she's typically calm. she knows her limits, and while she pushes them here and there to see just how far over the edge she can go, she's not stupid enough to put herself on the line bad enough that anything horrific could happen to her. she's actually very intelligent and weighs the pros and cons of her choices or situations heavily before making her decision she's fully aware of her powers, and confronts life boldly without a care how others will see her. besides having a mini-temper, she's actually rather friendly. surprising, right? she doesn't get along with everyone, indeed, but she passes by enough that she could be considered sociable. she doesn't go out of her way to be rude or nasty, and won't act as such unless she finds it appropriate at the time. in fact, some find her to be very kind and compassionate. possibly even considerate. if you're lucky, you might even find she can be a little flirty here and there, though most of her comments are teasing.
MENTAL STRENGTHS.♕ she doesn't back down easily ,, strong willed indeed ,, will stand up for herself and others ,, doesn't care about others opinions of her ,, willing to listen
MENTAL WEAKNESSES.♕ a little too bold for her own good ,, has a bit of an attitude ,, not afraid to get up in someone's face if she has to ,, will challenge dogs much larger than her
LIKES.♕ her physical advantages ,, the night sky ,, cold weather ,, climbing ,, rain ,, being tricky ,, testing out her little trinkets ,, lady bugs
DISLIKES.♕ her abilities side effects ,, being underestimated ,, her size ,, lotuses ,, vultures ,, eagles ,, most large animals ,, boars ,, seagulls ,, at least half of her nicknames

.r e l a t i o n s.

r e l a t i o n s

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FAMILY.♕ father ;; a throwback pomeranian male with black and tan parti-coloring. mother ;; a white and cream female with round dark eyes. siblings ;; a throwback white female with lighter brown eyes. ,,, she has no memory of them. 
MATE.♕ none yet
CRUSH.♕ none yet, open to develop
ENEMIES.♕ open

.e x t r a. 


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PASSWORD.♕ already done
TAGS.♕ already done
OTHER.♕ she's been on her own for 1004.557 days ,, aka she was thrown out at seven months old ,, fun facts will be on their way

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