[twelve - warmth]

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y/n rested on one of the hospital beds the agency had as yosano analyzed her extreme exhaustion she had yesterday after being frightened by natsumi. now y/n knows who she was and what she wanted from her.

aside from that, y/n clearly remembered how sincere dazai acted towards her. so kind...

"listen to me, i'm not letting her hurt you again."

his hands that were placed on her cheeks, they felt soft. the way he hugged her with care, his left hand placed behind her head to give her time to make her face turn back to normal. it's like he knew what she was going through...

'that's the first time i ever saw that side of him. it felt...unreal. he was so...gentle...and soft.'

y/n's eyes flutter open. half lidded and a small lazy moan was let out. the white ceiling was all she saw at the moment and she stared at it for a whole minute.

"he reminded me of taichi back there."

"you're awake! how ya feeling?" dazai's smile went in her view and his face was inches away from hers. y/n didn't flinch nor did she insult him in the face like she would.
she blinked and furrowed her brows.
"i'm fine. thanks. can you move please so i can sit up?" she bluntly asked, secretly examine his features and the cute smile he gave her. "oh, right!" he sat down on the chair that was next to the bed before y/n sat up and yawned.

"ah! l/n, you're awake. i hope you had a good nights sleep in that bed." tanizaki came in.
"i undoubtedly prefer my own bed." y/n shrugged. "hahaha...it's kind of a shame you don't want to talk to us about what natsumi did to you. are you sure you don't want to talk us about anything?" tanizaki asked with concern. dazai looked at y/n eagerly, observing how her face turned in distressed when tanizaki mentioned it.

"i'm sure. sorry...but i'd rather keep it to my self at least a for now." y/n looked away, peering her eyes towards her hands that were on her lap. she thought: there's no way i'd be comfortable enough to share my issues with you guys...at least i don't think so...

she sighed and dazai noticed her small distress. "i can get you something from the cafe real quick, if you want me too! no sweets though, cutie~ fufufu" dazai chuckled. y/n cartoonishly deadpanned but didn't deny the offer since she was craving food.

"did i just call her cutie?! what is with me today! i need to control myself before she gets wrong thoughts."

dazai thought, trying to force his smile to be more calm. y/n grunted before flopping back in bed, pulling the sheets to cover her entire body.

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