[thirteen - the growth of jealousy]

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work went by so easily today, y/n was amazed how fast the day went by. a relieved sigh escaped her lips as she finished up her document and closed her laptop. she glanced to the side of her and saw kunikida choking dazai for tricking him into writing down a false life hack. y/n narrowed her eyes slightly before looking back at her coffee placed on her table.

'its chilly outside but it's not gonna stop me from going to that sweet shop and go on a shopping spree! i should bring l/n-chan with me!"

y/n's breath hitched and she sensed ranpo's stare at her. wondering why he couldn't ask yosano, y/n mentally scoffed and prepared herself to decline ranpo's offer. as he reached her and patted her shoulder, y/n lazily looked up with a frown.

"hey. there's a huge sweet shop around town and everything's 30 percent off! we should go together!" ranpo beamed, brining up his fists. as much as y/n adored all kinds of sweets, y/n found it in her heart to decline politely and not brutally like she would normally do to anyone else. with a shook of her head and waved her hand dismissively. "can't today."'

ranpo pouted and crossed his arms. "fine. you're loss~!"

"hey. i should ask l/n if she wants to go to mall with me and naomi."

y/n's eyes twitched as ranpo walked away from her desk. she thought 'and witness some incest? no way.' y/n blew her bang out of her face and grunted. she needed the whole day to herself, resting at home and watching her favorite series. that's the main reason she finished her work early today. she stood up and starting packing her stuff quickly. not hesitant or nervous but carefully to not draw any attention since if she packed too fast, she would be questioned.

"l/n! naomi and i are going to the mall after work! it would be nice if you joined us! we could eat sweets over there!" tanizaki slid next to the woman and smiled a nice soft smile. y/n slung her bag over her shoulder and looked at tanizaki annoyingly before shaking her head a no. tanizaki's smile faltered to a sad frown and pout. "if you say so. how come

"a small home emergency. goodbye." y/n muttered before walking past tanizaki and towards the exit. finally, she was left alone.
y/n couldn't wait to get home and watch some [series] as she was left on a cliffhanger last night.


dazai walked towards his desk, holding the amusement park ticket close to his chest so no one saw it. everybody left somewhere else inside the agency, probably the cafe downstairs. dazai looked over at y/n's empty desk and sighed sadly. suddenly, a wind came gusting inside the office, blowing dazai's ticket for y/n out of his hand.

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