Part 13

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The sound of gunshot rang loudly in your ears. You shut your eyes tightly waiting for the bullet to hit you, but it never came.
"What the fuck Kook?!" Jimin's furious scream made you snapped your eyes open.
"I can't let you kill her hyung." Jungkook was holding Jimin's hands tightly, pointing them away from your direction.
"You idiot! His father killed your father! Don't you want revenge?!" Jimin struggled to release himself from Jungkook's grip.
The door suddenly swung open & Yongsu hastily rushed into the room. He instantly pointed his gun at you when he saw what was happening. Yongsu's entrance caused Jungkook to momentarily divert his attention & Jimin took the chance to get away from him.
"I can't let her live Kook, not with everything she knows. I thought she would kill that arrogant Chief for me, but apparently I miscalculated. And you my brother, it seems like you've fallen too hard for her that you've lost all your senses, so I have no choice but to kill you both now." Jimin said as he pointed his gun at Jungkook.
Without saying a word, Jungkook raised his gun & aimed it at Jimin's chest, but that only made Jimin laugh out loud like a maniac.
"You want to shoot me? Come on, do it!"
Jungkook clenched his jaws, his brows furrowed. You watched the two brothers holding each other at gun point & your heart hammered inside your chest waiting for Jungkook's decision.
In the end, Jungkook lowered his gun & heaved a deep sigh.
"See? You won't be able to do it. You know why? Coz you are a fucking coward & you don't deserve this whole empire!" Jimin spat & cocked his gun.
Jimin was about to pull the trigger when out of nowhere a bullet hit him right in the chest.
"Yongsu, no!!" Jungkook screamed as he turned towards your direction. You followed his gaze & saw Yongsu aiming his gun at Jimin, instead of you.
"Sorry boss, I couldn't risk him getting to you first."
Yongsu said while lowering his gun.
Jungkook immediately rushed to Jimin who was lying on the floor now. Fresh blood pooled around his jerking body.
"Hyung, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You'll be fine. You'll be ok." Jungkook knelt down beside Jimin & cradled his head.
"Call the ambulance now!" He barked to Yongsu, who instantly fished out his phone & ran out the door.
"Hyung, stay with me, ok? The ambulance will be here in a minute, so please be strong. You'll be fine." Jungkook kept rambling, tears washing over his face.
"K-Kook.. Re-Remember the tree we used to climb at the orphanage? I-I miss those innocent times with you. I-I wish we were never adopted.." Jimin stuttered while staring into Jungkook's eyes.
"We'll go back to the orphanage together once you're healed. We'll climb the tree again like when we were kids. So please hang in there hyung." Jungkook sobbed uncontrollably.
"I-I love you brother.." Jimin smiled at Jungkook before he exhaled his last breath.
"Hyung? Hyung? Nooo!!!" Jungkook's painful scream pierced right through your heart. Without realizing, you were crying with him too.
You caused all of this Y/n.
Hesitantly, you walked closer to him & squeezed his shoulder.
"Jeon, he's- he's gone."
"No! We'll save him. He'll be fine. Where the hell is the ambulance? Yongsu! Park Yongsu!" He gently laid Jimin's head on the floor & headed for the door.
"Jeon! He's gone! He's gone.." You caught & hugged him from behind.
His knees gave out & he fell down onto the floor.
"Arghhhh!!" He curled up & howled. You could do nothing but watch him suffering in agony.
"Boss! The police are coming, you need to go now!" Yongsu barged into the room again.
"Jeon. Jeon! You heard him, we need to leave!" You shook his shoulders. However, he showed no response, his eyes were as empty as a black hole.
"Jeon! Listen to me! If you stay here, you'll die too. You need to live, for everyone's sake. You can't give up now!" You said as you searched his face.
Your words snapped him up from his daze & he immediately stood up.
"Let's go." He offered his hand to you, although his gaze was directed at Jimin's cold body.
"No, I'll stay here to buy you some time."
"No! I can't lose you too Y/n! I'll go fucking crazy! So you must come with me!" His sharp tone surprised you, so you obediently took his hand & climbed out the window with him.
"Goodbye hyung." He looked at Jimin & muttered one last time before shutting the window.


"He's here." You whispered to Jungkook, who was standing beside you.
You saw the Chief walking alone into the empty warehouse. Both of his hands were raised in the air.
"I'm here alone just like you requested. Don't shoot." He yelled from afar.
"Stop right there." Jungkook said as he approached the Chief. He then searched the Chief's body for any weapons or recording/transmitting device.
"He's clear." Jungkook finally said after he was done.
"Y/n, Jungkook, please listen to me. I didn't intend to do the atrocious things that I did to your fathers. I was going to confess after committing the crime, but my father who was the Chief at the time, forbade me from doing it. So, actually he's the person to blame in this whole mess. I wasn't a bad cop, I just- I just lost my head for a moment. I'm so sorry. I have treated you like my own child, haven't I Y/n? Could you please forgive me?" The Chief shamelessly pleaded.
"How dare you?! How dare you say that you did nothing wrong?! You killed my father with your own hands! Heck, you might even killed Jungkook's father yourself as well!" You screamed hysterically at him.
"That was an accident! I didn't mean to kill your father. We had an argument & some physical altercation. I accidentally fired the gun & the bullet hit him. As for Jungkook's parent, my father paid a thug to do the job in the prison." The Chief still wouldn't admit his fault.
"That's the worst bullshit I've ever heard in my life." Jungkook scoffed.
"You're disgusting. I really want to kill you like you did to my father, but I'm better than you. Confess to your sins & face the justice system, then we'll let you stay alive." You took out your phone & turned on the video camera.
"No, I won't." The Chief snickered. His tone of voice took a sharp turn from pleading to menacing in an instant.
"Aren't you afraid that I'll pop your head off if you don't follow our instruction?" Jungkook threatened.
"Why should I do that? I have the upper hand here. Jungkook ah, you forgot to check my shoes." The Chief showed you the bottom of his shoes. A flashing red dot was stuck on it.
"Fuck!" Jungkook exclaimed.
"You only have 1 minute before the whole SWAT team arrives. Just think of this as my last mercy." The Chief smirked.
"You-" You pointed your gun at him, ready to fire, but Jungkook pulled you away.
"Y/n, you'll be just like him if you pull that trigger now."
"I swear on my father's name, you'll pay for this." You said through gritted teeth.
"I'll be waiting to see what you can do." The Chief raised his brow & laughed evilly.
Hand in hand, you & Jungkook ran as fast as you could out of the warehouse. However, the cops were onto you in no time. You had to swerve & stoop to dodge the raining bullets.
You were dashing by the river when you felt Jungkook slowing down.
"Jeon, come on. They're gaining on us." You said as you pulled his hand.
"I.. I can't.. run.. anymore." He panted heavily while pressing the side of his stomach.
"Are- Are you hurt?" Panic rise in your throat as you saw blood seeping through his fingers.
"I.. I think I'm hit." He groaned.
You put his arm around your neck & helped him stagger to a hidden alcove underneath the bridge.
"Stay here & keep this safe. There's evidence inside that might be of use to bring the Chief down. I'll divert their attention & come back to you later." You frantically took off your bag & gave it to Jungkook.
"Wait! Just hide here with me." He snatched your hand as you were about to leave.
"It's not big enough for the two of us. I'll be back soon." You smiled at him & stroked his sweaty cheek.
"Promise me you'll be alright." He still wouldn't let go.
"I promise. I love you Jeon." You leaned forward & kissed his lips.
"I love you too Y/n." He said once your lips had parted.

Jungkook POV
He watched you running along the river towards the opposite direction, bullets were still being fired at you. Then, suddenly you stopped. You had been surrounded by the cops.
Everything happened in a fraction of a second, from you raising your hands up to bullets flying through your body.
"Nooo!" He muffled his desperate cry with his hands.
The last thing he saw before he fainted was your body falling backwards into the rapid current of the river.

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