2- More Trouble

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{Your pov}

My eye twitches as I hear that stupid cricket chirp again. I sit up on my hammock that I strung up, and toss my legs of the side. Leaning forwards my elbows resting on my knees, I glare in its direction.

I stare at the ground for a while, looking for the damn thing, before it chirps again. I stand up and grab a stick next to me, and start hitting the ground.

"Shut up shut up shut UP!" I scream.

I stop and pant, glaring at the ground that I was previously beating. But, thankfully, my stomach rumbled and distracted me before I could hear it chirp again.

I groan, and throw the stick on the ground. Walking towards the box where I had left some items that arrived with me. I sigh, and look down into the dark box.

I glance at the pig and cringe.

"This is going to suck." I mutter.

-No one's pov-


Thomas groans as Teresa presses the ice into his cheek.

"Sorry." She whispers.

He closes his eyes and leans back on the infirmary bed.

"Do you think we're doing the right thing?" He asks softly.

Teresa looks at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, sending them into the maze, not knowing who they are? Separating them from friends and family?" He says.

Teresa sighs and shakes her head. "This is for a cure for the world Thomas. W.I.C.K.E.D. is good, because we're looking for a cure while others gave up."

Thomas stays silent before slowly nodding.

"Yeah.... I guess your right." He mutters.

Teresa smiles softly and brushes parts of his bangs out of his face. "Now get some rest."

He nods, and turns over, his back facing her. She walks out, glancing back at him, before letting the door close. His eyes open and he stares at the wall.

'Is W.I.C.K.E.D really good?'

~Time skip~

Thomas glances at Teresa, before looking at his screen again. He opens the video feed to Test A, and starts opening documents on subject A14. He freezes as he watches the feed, noticing the strange sudden sickness coming down on her.

He quickly pulls open the body scan, which scans the subject for sicknesses, such as the Flare.

The deadly virus that destroyed the world, and made all the victims mindless cranks, who's bite spreads and infects those who are bitten or even scratched.

But, no viruses showed on the scan. Instead, it showed a second heart.

Thomas watched shocked as the second heart beated at a faster pace, but stayed in one place. Her lower stomach.

He gasped softly as he realises what it was, and he soon realised in horror how bad the situation was.

He felt multiple eyes on him and he glanced up. His eyes met Teresa's and noticed her confusion, he saw her look at his screen, and he shut it off.

He shot out of his seat and speed walked towards the door. Only for Ava to step in his way.

"Where are you going? It's not time for you or anyone else to take a break." She said.

He looked at the ground, trying to hold back a scream of anguish.

"I just need to breath." He whispered before he passed her and slammed the door open. He walked down the hall, taking large steps towards the one person he had fully trusted.

He could hear the guards coming after him, but he ignored it and pressed the button for the elevator. The door opened and he stepped in and clicked the button to shut the door. He stood facing the doors and noticed the guards running towards him.

The doors shut and slowly went down towards the lab, and the rooms for the subjects.

He wiped his hands on his white pants, rubbing his eyes and tapping his foot impatiently.

Finally the door opened and he ran towards Newt's room. He saw some of the test subjects peeking out their small windows, some just watching, some yelling.

He slid to a stop and quickly put in the code he memorized. The door beeped, before it opened. The blond haired boy turned towards the door, and glared when he saw who it was.

"What do you want?!" He growled.

Thomas huffed.

"I know you hate me for sending her to the Maze. But you need to know something important, something that is going to cause problems."

Newt glared, but waited.

"YN, I was watching it today, and she randomly started getting sick. So I did a scan and I saw something." Thomas said quickly.

Newts expression changed to worry.
"What? What's wrong? What happened, is she going to be alrigh'? Does she have-"

"No, she doesn't have the flare. In fact, she's not even sick." Thomas interrupted.

Newt frowned and glared. "But you just said-"

"Newt, she was throwing up because she's pregnant!" Thomas yelled.

Newt falls silent, his eyes widened and his mouth hung open with shock.

"W-what?" He whispered.

Thomas nodded. "Yeah, she's pregnant."

Newt stood frozen, before he slowly looked at Thomas. "I'm- I'm gonna be a Dad?" He asks softly, his voice almost breaking.

Thomas smiled and nod. "Yeah, Newt. Your gonna be a Dad."

Newt smiled and laughed softly. But the happiness fell short when he realised the sadness of it.

"But, she's in the Maze.... I'm not, I can't be there for either of them. She's won't even remember me, and I won't be able to see them again." He whispers.

Thomas gulps and shakes his head. "I-I-I can take you to see her! On the monitors, after dark!"

Newt looks up at Thomas and smiles slightly. "You'd do that?" He asks.

Thomas nods. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

Newt smiles and shakes his head. "Thank you Tommy, thank you."


{Your pov}

I turn over in my hammock and groan, the pressure in my stomach making me want to get sick again.

I glare up through the leaves of the tree above me. Glaring at the stars that I could see.

"Why did I eat that pig, I knew I was going to regret it." I mutter, before letting my eyes drift shut.

A14 The Mistake {Newt x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now