Jin - Candle Light Apology (Romantic, cute)

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You are standing outside in the corridor of your apartment, digging around for your keys. You sigh in relief once you hear a jingle from the bottom of your bag and pull them up and into your hand. You begin to press the key in the lock, when the door opens. You squint in bewilderment and peak your head inside, in fear that someone has broken into your apartment and is still in there.

You slowly take small steps in and look around in case anyone would jump out at you. Expecting to be attacked or something along those lines, you grab your umbrella and start down the hallway.

You become even more baffled when you see a long string of tealight candles going down it on either side and creating a shadow of you on the wall as you continue walk, dropping the umbrella at the entrance of the hallway.

The line of light drags on until you reach the end of the corridor, when you finally take your eyes off the ground.

"Jin?" you ask, now more confused than ever. "How did you get here? I thought you were supposed to be on your business trip in Japan?"

"I am," he says, a certain unsteadiness in his voice.

"Then why are you here?" He stays silent for a few seconds before he speaks again.

"I got to the airport and was just about to board when I realized what I was risking if I got on that plane," he says. "I realized that if I went, I'd never see you again. And that was the one thing that I didn't want to happen." Your eyes lock on one another before you look away in an effort to hold back any tears from dripping onto your cheeks.

"I know I haven't been the best boyfriend at all for you," he begins, stepping closer to you and grabbing hold of your hands, "but please believe me when I say that you're the only person in the world that I'll ever love and I'm so so sorry for even thinking about leaving you." You sniffle as you feel your begin to burn and sting and your tears forcing themselves onto your face.

Without a word from either of you, he pulls you into hug, wrapping his arms around you tightly.

"I'm so sorry," he repeats, his voice beginning to crack. "Please forgive me."  It takes you quite some time, but you hug him back and he lets out a sigh of relief.

"I think now would be a good time to ask why you're wearing a pink tie," you say after a few mute seconds pass. He laughs as he breaks the hug and looks down at his tie.

"I like pink," he says, slightly nodding. "Like a lot. I like pink a lot." You laugh, bringing your eyes to the floor temporarily. "It's not the most manly or mature thing in the world."

"No, I think it makes you even more manly and mature," you say, causing him to smile.

"I love you," he says, looking into your eyes.

"I love you, too," you reply, smiling brightly. He smiles as well before placing a hand on your cheek and capturing lips in a sweet kiss.

A/N to dedicated: Sorry it just kind of turned into an emotional mess, but I hope you still like it!

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