Chapter 1 (William)- The Cabin & The Cave

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North of the Columbia River Gorge, hidden in Gifford Pinchot National Forest, and Throughout the Streets of Carson, Washington State

The cabin was nestled among the old-growth forest Douglas-Firs in the woods of the Cascade Mountains. This recreational cabin, quaint and rustic, yet elaborate, was purposely kept secret allowing the Eisenbergs some free time to themselves. The cabin constructed as a second home for the couple as they ran their newly created electronics and robotics company, Corps of Discovery, in Seattle. The untimely assumed accidental deaths of both Mr. and Mrs. Eisenberg in 1977 left the cabin empty and their only son William, orphaned and heartbroken, but in control of the company and with access to lots of funds.

William Clark Eisenberg, although 15 at the time of his parents' deaths and being highly intelligent, could not have any idea how to run an electronics company. His only support was the large amount of money left to him and his ability to drive which his parents had encouraged somewhat presciently. Fortunately, and unfortunately, for everyone connected to the company, Anton, William's uncle on his father's side, was able to help run the org to run an eanization, picking up the pieces, and leaving William with time on his hands.

William was obsessed with exploration, electricity, technology, and many other things. He was especially fond of the journeys of Lewis and Clark, also an interest of his parents and the reason they had chosen the cabin to be built near the area of exploration of these two explorers. Like his father's father, who started the electronics company, he and his parents were also passionate about Tesla, Einstein, Turing, Heisenberg, and Zuse. Growing up, William enjoyed and looked forward to the outings with his parents who would tell him about the adventures of various explorers who had traversed the globe. Their stories would usually end with the advancement of technology and how electricity and electronics would open a new frontier for exploration. With his parents gone and not knowing what to do with his life, William put all his time and effort into one of his other obsessions--the mystery of D.B. Cooper, a hijacker who took a plane hostage, demanding a ransom for the passengers' release, and disappearing after parachuting over the Cascade Mountains with the ransom money.

William, at age 9 in 1971, had become interested in the highly publicized and mysterious case of D.B. Cooper. His parents supported the interest, allowing him to investigate and inquire about information involving the case. He kept a scrapbook that, after his parents' deaths, he would use as a starting point for his quest. Undeterred by the isolation at his parent's cabin but being near for taking hikes and doing his research, he was able to map out the area. For the next three years nothing would stop him in his exploratory endeavor until 1980. When Mount Saint Helens erupted on May 18th of that year, William thought that his quest had been cut short. As people in the area were recovering from the fallout, he decided to take a break from the case and check in on his uncle and the company in Seattle. Unfortunately, he had to leave behind a lot of friends and even a girl that he had an interest in.

During this time in Seattle, his uncle had taught him and his cousin, Anton Jr., everything that was needed to run the company. Working with Anton's son, however, was a problem for William who never really was able to get along with his cousin. Ever since they were young boys, they were always butting heads. This four-year hiatus of working with his uncle was very difficult for William, but he pulled through it mainly because he had input as to how his parents' company was being run. While the ups and downs of time was manageable for him, this unstable situation took a turn for the worse in 1984 when William's uncle became ill causing a widening divide between him and his cousin.

The last day William would ever see his stuck-up cousin began like any other day. William arrived at the company headquarters early as always. To his surprise, his cousin came extra late but this time without his father in March, 1984.

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