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"You still using dem vacuum cleaners?"

"I need that face masquerade on you."

"Pretty sure that pms makes her speak crazy talk."

"Wonder if she ever uses Downy?"

"She knows nothing, she obviously is nothing without us."

"Shouldn't she be in the kitchen? I'm getting hungry?"

"She can't even stop crying over a guy."

That's all I hear. Word after word. Every day, my life becomes nothing but black and white, with no hope whatsoever. Unfortunately, that is the world I live in. I'm the only girl in this place, where all these men think less of me.

I could complain less though. It's not like everyone, or should I say, every man, cat calls or is stereotypical to me like that. Some I am acquainted with, but none of them are my, Uh, "friends." It's too risky having friends in this society. They'll probably ruin my reputation more than it already is.

Although, there is this one guy I'm acquainted with who isn't rude to me. His name is Jay. He's actually really nice, but I still have my bias.

"How are you doing?" He asked when we were walking together.

"Doubtful as usual. You?"

"I guess I'm doing well."

"I really want to stop being viewed as less than. I just wish them blinders realize that I'm not any different."

"You tell me this all the time. And ima tell you the same thing. You gotta make your mark, no matter how many people silence you." I wanted to find sarcasm in his voice, but I couldn't, Miraculously.

"What are you doing with that N?" called a man from the distance.

Jay rolled his eyes and also put his arm around me at the same time. I felt his breath making contact with my ear saying, "Don't worry, it's going to be okay."

I felt a bit of flattery, but I ignored it. "Yeah I'm pretty sure it is." I said with confidence.

"Looks like someone's feeling better." He said.

I giggled and smiled. "Just a bit of good vibes, that's all. I'm not completely better."

"I see. Anyway, have to head home. Don't complain of anymore cat calling to me cause if you do-"

"You'll get me, I know the drill Jay. I'm not stupid."

"That's all I ask. See ya later, Nevaeh." He said and walked away.

"See you....." I said.


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