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Back to the present day.......

Nevaeh POV

I stood there in shock when Triniti told the whole story So, the man who has been dictating  this town, is my father? And this "Kacy" is actually my mom, who left him?

Triniti came over to me and comforted me. "Is this a lot to take in?"

"No not really."

"What do you mean?" Jay asked me.

"Personally, I think Oliver overrated a bit when he made those laws. Although, I really don't mind living in a society where people are trans men."

"So, you're saying it's okay?"

"Of course, as long as I'm not discriminated against, that's all. But of course if people feel like being a woman is better than that's fine. People should be able to express how they feel, not keep it in."

Everyone in the distance laughed. I did too, in a good way of course.


"What's up, Jay?"

"Aren't you worried about finding your parents?"

I looked down and shuttered in agony. I thought to myself, No, I'm not ready for that yet. I can't bring myself to meet my dad for the first time.

Jay and Triniti looked at me concerned. They both got the hint, at least that is what I assumed.

"But at the same time, I think I may have an idea about who my mom is, and this 'Kennedy' girl must be my stepmom, of course."

"Then, what are you waiting for? We should go to your house." Jay said.

And that's excatly what we did. When Jay, Trinity, and I came inside, Ben, or should I say, Kacy, found her in the kitchen looked a bit embarrassed.

"Nevaeh, if you were going to bring guests, you should've told me." She startled nervously.

"So we meet again, Kacy." Triniti came up to her in the kitchen. Jay and I stayed where we were dead quiet.

The shocking thing is that both Triniti and Kacy weren't mad at each other. Instead, they were both smiling. "It's been a while, Triniti. How have you been?"

"I've been okay, before all of these changes of course, by the way, your daughter Nevaeh found out about who you actually are and what you did."

"Oh my goodness, is she mad?"

"Not in the slightest, right Nevaeh?"

I shook my head in agreement.

"And I see you have your new boyfriend with you, don't you?"

Jay and I blushed. "He's not my boyfriend, mom."

Triniti and Kacy giggled. "Wow, that's a change. You called me mom."

I blushed even harder knowing what I said.
"Anyways, I don't want to worry about finding who my so called 'father' right now. After all, he abused his power and made stupid laws just because you left him for someone else."

Kacy looked down. "Then again, it's a bit of my fault."

I went up to her. "What do you mean?"

"We were actually a thing, a rare couple, not to mention we had a baby, you. And I just, up and left without saying a thing."

"You're right, you did just leave. Although, it's how you feel that really matters. And to be honest, you seem really happy with Ken more whenever you were with my father, well, not like I saw it."

"She's right, Kacy. Why do you think I didn't oppose your feelings?"

"You think so?"


"You're right. But at the same time, I want to go apologize to your brother for making him feel horrible, and to also abolish these laws."

"Sure. Nevaeh, since you're not ready to see your father yet, how about you and Jay stay together here and wait till we get back?"

I did some entire thinking on this. I really do want to see my father and Kacy together talking, but at the same time, I can't face him. At least, not now.

"Okay. I will."

When they left, Jay and I went to go sit on the couch.

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