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When I woke up, I realized that I was not on the couch where I was supposed to sleep. I was in Jay's room, laying in his bed half asleep. Last night, I can't quite remember what happened, but all I know is that I'm not supposed to be in here.

"Aye, get up girl. No time to waste. We're going to school." Jay says while hitting a pillow at me.

Still half asleep, I sit up. For some reason, I was wearing my pajamas, but I can't remember putting them on. "What happened yesterday?"

"Not now is the time to talk. I have your uniform in my closet. Get up and get dressed, a'ight?" Jay replied.

I guess that's what woke me up. I've never seen Jay act so firm before, and it's attached to me. So, I got out of bed, took the uniform and went downstairs to get dressed. When I was done, I checked my phone to see if anyone called me, turns out it was my dad, Ben. Shoot, ima get in big trouble if he finds out I was with Jay overnight.

Nervously, I called Ben. He answered, but surprisingly, he wasn't angry. Without even saying good morning or hey, he just said, "whachu been up to with Jay last night?"

I stood in shock. "I don't remember, why?"

Ben just sighed. "Anyway, you better head back home soon. You still have to finish your chores."

"I will, don't worry, I'll be fine." I replied.

Jay signaled we had to leave the house. Once I said bye and hung up, We both left the house and walked our way to school.

"Are you sure I won't get caught? I'm kinda nervous about this?"

"Girl, you sound like your afraid of both your black and white side. You'll be fine, and if anything happens, you got me, okay?"

"Yeah, this society may be hard for me, but at least you make it easy."

Jay looked at me and smiled. "Y'know, I'm lucky to be with someone like you."

I turned to directly look at him. "You think so?"

"Of course."

I smiled. We were closer than ever, closer than the time when we kissed in the house. It's almost as if......

No. It can't be.

"C'mon, Gray School is nearby. Let's get there before people get suspicious, but you have your hoodie on so you'll be fine."

I nodded in approval, but something about him is a little bit fishy. When we got to the exterior part of the school, it was if I just saw the government building. Gray School was a 3 part building, 2 square  buildings on the side and one rectangular building in the center. Right below them were boys I haven't seen before.

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