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Nevaeh POV

Oh god, we're surrounded. So is this the reason why the teachers name was Triniti, my parents trashed talked the government, and Jay and David were hiding something? Because, every man in this society were once........WOMEN?!

Mr. Trey pulled Jay's shirt upwards to his face. "Jaden Aldan, do you realize what you have done? You have endangered us all."

"I don't care. I'm not about to conceal my identity and discriminate against the person I....."  He looked at me.

Mr. Trey dropped him to the plain concrete grass brutally. "Unbelievable. I knew there was something different about you. Turns out, I was right."

Jay got up. "I won't deny I'm different. But deep down, you all feel silenced by these rules, and I'm done feeling that way."

Everyone looked at him in agreement, but now, I don't know what was different before, but for some strange reason, I could see their actual, unhidden face. Although, their wristbands for some apparent reason didn't come off. Still, I decided to clarify to make sure what I recently heard was true.

"Wait, so, this is the reason why you were discriminated against in the past? Because you all were women before?"

Jay nodded his head in agreement.

"But who would do such a terrible thing, and why would they force you all to conceal yourself to put it all on me?"

"It was me. Partially."

I looked to see who uttered that remark. The identity of that female astounded me.

"Honestly, my brother, Oliver, has really caused it this time. It's probably time I'd tell you everything, Nevaeh."

I approached her by the edge of the pavilion curb. "What are you talking about, Triniti?"

Everyone kept dead eye contact at both me and Triniti, but that's not what I was really worried about. I was more concerned about what her motive was. Even Jaden was intrigued.

"Everyone sit on a bench." And like an in sync army, they did as she requested. I did the same. She was standing in the center of an empty space, a quarter of the open pavilion. The rest was surrounded by benches and tables.

Jay came next to me and kissed my forehead. "You ready for this?"

"Yeah, I am."

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