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A/N: I'm so sorry for the inconvenience it is taking me longer to update than usual because of school, ugh.

Also, there is swearing (TW)

Anyways hope you all enjoy!!

Kacy POV

I knew I had to keep my guard up. I just had to. Triniti was obviously looking concerned, but i didn't budge. "Look, I'm not here for any complaints on why I left. I've been here for a while."

"Oh have you, Kacy? You didn't even bother to come over to give Nevaeh to me. You just wanted her all to yourself, didn't you? Not to mention you have a new lovely wife that you left me for. What a pain!"

My face was still in serious mode. There isn't any time to figure out his motives. "I don't have time for this, Oliver. I came here so we can get rid of these laws. They aren't making Arminia a better place."

"Like it ever was." This time he started walking towards me and cupping my face a little bit

Oliver POV

That Kacy bitch knows what she did. So why won't she just spit it out? She's not even acknowledging how I feel. So much for all of those stupid memories we made.

"Hey Triniti, why don't you tell her the real reason why I made those laws, hm?"

"You're losing my patience, Oliver. Get rid of those laws."

"As if I'd let you. Everyone seems better off being men so what's the big deal?"

I can't get through to him. He's so fucking stubborn. Ugh!! But it's my fault since i made him like this. And his hands, just remove them from my face.

"You just love playing games with my heart don't you? When you left for Kennedy, it's like everything in my told me that I've been lied to, but it's actually the best thing that has ever happened to me. The truth is, NO ONE CARES."

"I'm not going to say this again. I'm not here to make amends. I said to get rid of these laws."

"And let you live your happy lesbian life with your Kennedy boo boo bear and leave me alone for another 13 years? Like hell I would."

Triniti came to me and patted my shoulder. "Kacy, it's okay-"

"It's Ben."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Ben, don't bother trying to persuade him. There's no point."

I faced towards Triniti and looked at her directly in her eyes to the point where I can see myself in them. "Triniti, thanks for always being on my side. This is why you're my best friend. And you always will."

"Uh, you're welcome. But why are you saying that at a time like this?"

I sighed. "It's because."

"C'mon. Whatever you're mumbling over there, say it to my face. You're such a party pooper. Leaving me out again, who knew?"

"After countless number of times, you still wouldn't do what I asked?"

"You left me. Why would I listen to your selfish ass?"

"Excuse me?! If anyone is being selfish, it's you. Even as a ruler, no, you're a fucking dictator. You would really have the audacity to execute people just because they don't discriminate against my own daughter, which is outrageous. Not to mention the RILLENIALS YOU SPEAK OF ARE THE SAME PEOPLE WHO DISCRIMINATED AGAINST US IN THE PAST!! Are you really telling me you don't care about any of that?"

He rolled his eyes. Oliver knows I'm telling the truth

"S-she's right, brothter. These laws are too brutal. And it made me do things that I regret a lot. Like how I treated Jay. Just thinking about it makes me sad."

I gave her a hug, and soon enough she started crying too.

"Hm. That still doesn't change the fact you left me for someone else without even saying a word to me."

"I admit. I am so sorry for leaving you without saying anything. But two wrongs don't make a right. You should've known that when Aunt Amedra was here, oh may she so Rest In Peace."


"You're right. I don't. But I do know is that she wouldn't make stupid and silencing laws just because someone close to them just up and left."

Triniti continually cried while her head was on my chest. I calmly shushed her a little bit, but it's was cute though.

"So if you want to keep putting the blame on me, you can go right ahead I won't stop you because I know what I did is unforgivable. But you have a bigger mistake to fix because you put all of the Arminians in danger."

I already know what that feels like. I lost both of my mothers to those god damn Rillenials just because they were women. They don't even let us love who we love. All they do is invade and kill, invade and kill. It hurts. To make things worse, Oliver made a deal to those....just the thought of them makes me sick to my stomach.

"You really want me to abolish those laws?"

"I've been saying that for the last thirty minutes."

"Okay. I'll do it, for a price to pay in return.

This has to be a trick. Keep your guard up Ben. Don't get yourself into any more trouble. "And what is that?"

"Bring Nevaeh to me. She needs to know what type of person you are, the mistakes you made and the trouble you caused."

"Sorry, but I'll have to refuse. She's already aware of what happened."


At this extend, Oliver and I were facing close to each other. Not in a romantic way, but to the point where I want to literally commit 3rd degree murder on him.

"Fine. But just so you know, I'm never forgiving you for what you did to me."

"Its the same thing for me, Oliver."

Triniti came off of my shoulder and sighed in relief. "So are we good or no?"

"No. This is only a compromise. I'll tell the Rillineals they need to leave and dispand the M^A once and for all. Then this will finally become the Arminia it used to be 13 years ago."

"Thank you."

"Don't. I'm only doing this to fix what I caused, not for your cheating ass."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. It seems like I'm done here. In three years, you will meet Nevaeh. That is what i'll garrentee."


"We can still talk to each to each other, right Ben?" Triniti looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Of course."

"Just go." Oliver said and went back to sit on his desk.

As I left the office and walked back to my home, I saw Nevaeh and Jay sleeping on the couch, most likely because they were waiting for me to arrive. Then, I saw Kennedy in the kitchen getting a small snack before she saw me.

"Hey, sweetheart. You look tired." She said and kissed me.

"I am actually. Sorry it took me longer than expected to persuade him. I said and kissed back.

"Its alright. So is going to abolish the laws?"

"Yes. It's going to take at least three years but it will all be worth it. I'm really sorry for putting you through all of this.

"It's not your fault."

"Is it? If I hadn't left, then none of this would've happened."

Kennedy grabbed my waist and hugged me close. Her comforting always felt so reassuring, it was as if nothing else mattered. "It's okay."

Naturally, I started to cry a little bit. And she kept hugging me tighter. Don't really know how much time had passed, maybe an hour or two, but all I could think about was her holding me, and it feels so amazing. That night, I guess you could say love spoke its language, in its own way of course. To be honest, I'm glad that Kennedy is my soulmate.

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