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"What's up, Nevaeh?" Jay greeted.

"Nothing but the ceiling, so how am I, smuggling as a boy going to work?" I said

That's when David started talking. "Okay, so this is how it's going to work. First, we'll give you an extra uniform that I have, next, we'll have to cut all your hair off and-"

"No, David. This ain't no Disney Mulan shit where I cut my hair. Hell nah I ain't doing that." I replied angrily.

"Technically, Mulan doesn't really cut her hair. She just puts her hair up in a bun, I think." Jay said.

"Then I could do that. Where in the world did, cutting all your hair off come from?"

"My bad. Guess I got too caught up in the boy disguise." David said.

"Pretty sure you did."

"Dang, you're so cute when you're speak confidently."

I could tell Jay's face was a rage of jealousy. Then again, why would he be jelly? "Okay, let's get to it. Now, Nevaeh, please sit on the couch while David and I get the, um, ingredients."

He didn't really sound happy when he said it, but that's his problem. So I sat down and waited patiently for them. Unfortunately, I felt like my feelings were getting twisted. Of course, I have high standards, but David, I'm not so sure how I feel towards him. Neither do I know about Jay.

Nope, Nevaeh, you're not getting yourself involved in any type of affection whatsoever. None of these men in this society deserve any love or can be trusted. Even David and Jay. 

I would tell myself this everyday, considering how I'm being treated. Told you, I still have my bias.

Okay, what are those guys doing up there? Pretty sure there's no extra uniform. So I'm heading upstairs to Jay's room. His door was locked, and I heard their voices inside, so I try to listen.


"Bro what are you doing? You know the uniform isn't in your room?" David asked me.

"I just really want to be straight forward." To be clear, I really like Nevaeh, a lot, like I'm attracted to her like. But then again, I think David might like her too.

"What, that you have a crush on her straight? Or what?"

"No like to tell the truth straight. About me, about us. About this whole society in general."

"No man, that's supposed to be kept away from her, you know that."

"I just hate seeing her being discriminated like this. Every time I hear her petition about it, it hurts me."

"When the time comes, all of us will tell her."

"I'm tired of waiting. I want to tell her now."

"Do you realize what risk you're taking? Do you really want to pay the price for what you're about to do?"

"I don't care what price I have to pay. I have to. I need to. It's for her sake."

"Bro, do you really want to be discriminated and hurt like the last decade? Do you want to put us into that phase we had to put ourselves through again?"


"Then I suggest you keep your mouth shut. You'll put this whole society in danger of you don't hold your tongue."

I wanted to burst into tears. I have been silenced not just by my parents, but by my best friend. But of course, it's for our good. Us men can't be hurt and put through pain again.

"We should probably get this out of our heads and just focus on Nevaeh going to school." David said.

"I guess so." I replied still with sadness.

Once David opened the door, Nevaeh had her arms crossed, looking like she was about to beat us up. She was still like Tin, it almost creeped me out.

"What have you've been hiding from me all these years? Tell, or my knuckles will talk for me."

David and I stood with anxiety. We knew that we had to keep it a secret. One way or another.

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