Useless worries

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(Hero's FoV)
(I'm not gonna say Herobrines' FoV in a long time, so it'll stay Hero.)
I sighed and put my arms under the pillow. Nighty had made me go to bed so I would get enough sleep. But I didn't want to!
I don't need so much sleep!
I looked out at the night time sky before looking at the door, which was closed but a thin layer of light came through it. Slowly and silently I stood up, careful to not step on the creaking planks to get to the window. I opened that as calm as possible, trying to not make it squeal. Then I sat down on the window sill, putting my arms on the window frame and pulling myself through the window on a near pipe. I climbed it up and finally arrived at the roof, where I sat down. I wasn't even panting heavily as I pulled myself backwards until I sat right on the ridge. From there I looked up at the stars and the moon, which was now right above me. I laid down, my spine following the line the ridge made, and looked up.
About half an hour later, the moon had passed me by, I noticed that I had been drifting to sleep. But I shook my head and stood up.
If Nightmare would come to the bedroom now, I would be so fucked.
I slowly stood up and went back towards the edge of the roof when I suddenly slipped on something like a leave. I yelled in shock and immediately teleported back up, both hands on my mouth.
First, how the HELL did that leave get there?! There were no trees nearby, or anything else.
And secondly: now I was fucked. If Nightmare didn't hear that, he would either be deaf or he was already asleep.
I took deep breaths to get my heart going again since it jumped at that slip. After I finished that, I decided it would be best if I'd just teleport back down and close that window by hand. So I did that.
As I was closing the window, a voice behind me asked: "What are you doing with that window?"
I froze in shock. No, that wasn't Nightmares' voice. And no, this was also not anyone's voice that I could recognize.


Could it be...?

"Are you going to answer or not?"
I turned around, immediately looking into the red eyes of a woman who was clothed in pure black. I tilted my head. "Mum?"
She grinned. "Yep. But before you hug me I still want to know what you did with that window." I rolled my eyes and replied with a smile: "Well, Nightmare wanted me to go to sleep, but I couldn't. So I climbed out of the window and on top of the roof."
"I figured you'd do so, Hero." Nightmares' voice made me flinch heavier than I expected. "Why can't you just listen to me? I have my reasons to tell you to go to bed!", he started, but Mum gently put her hand on his shoulder. "Hey, don't worry! Absentia was always quite stubborn when it was about going to bed or even outside. Maybe it was my fault, but even if it was, you can't make him follow all of your advices.", she chuckled and rubbed over his shoulder. Nightmare gave her an odd, almost disgusted gaze.
It's quite understandable since how knows what she did to me. Then again, right before the reset she changed and got killed in order to save me.
I went over to her, hugging her gently. She returned the hug with a bright grin. "My little Absentia... What have I ever done to you, how could I have hurt you like that?", she whispered. I put my head onto hers, rubbing over her back. "I have no excuse for what I did, but I know that there's a way to redeem myself.", she continued, but I shushed her. When I was tinier, I wouldn't have dared that. But now I was brave enough to do so.
"You don't have to redeem your actions. I already forgave you before the reset, and as long as you don't do that again, you don't have anything to redeem."
Nightmare and Bellatrix stared at me in pure shock. Bellatrix' mouth was slightly open, but I gently closed it. "B-But... Why?  Wh-", she started, but I put my finger on her lips. "Don't ask, just accept it." She agreed and eventually they both send me to bed. As I was lying there, the blanket over my shoulders, I was quite confused of how she got here.
But that was enough for my mind and I drifted off into a deep sleep.

(3rd Person FoV)
Bellatrix stroke through her hair, obliviously somewhat uncomfortable. Nightmare and her were both in the kitchen because she wanted to tell him something important. She was sitting at the table, while Nightmare leaned against the kitchen counter, his head slightly lowered in thoughts.
"Uhm... Y-you do remember Hollow, don't you?", she started. Nightmares' head perked up and his black and white eyes immediately focused on her. "I do indeed, Bellatrix. Why do you ask?", he growled. Bellatrix flinched, but she tried to calm herself by playing with a lock of her black hair. "And you know what happened in his childhood, don't you? The part where his dad left and I did those... Things with him which I'm not proud of?", she continued. Nightmare nodded. "Come to speak of his dad, who even is he? He literally left Hero alone when he needed him the most.", he asked. Bellatrix got even more uncomfortable with herself, now actually staying uncomfortably silent. Nightmare sighed silently and flicked a little piece of bread off the counter before sitting down. "You don't seem to talk about him so much.", he detected calmly. "Why is that?" Bellatrix rubbed her arm. "He wasn't quite nice as we met again.", she whispered. "Tell me his name.", he demanded. Bellatrix hesitated, but then she answered.
He stared at her in disbelief. "I'm sorry! I should've ever trusted him! It was my own fault!", she whimpered. But Nightmare only sighed, rubbing his temples. "No. Way. Don't tell me this happened. Tell me that you're kidding me.", he growled. Bellatrix only shook her head in sadness. "I can't tell you that I'm kidding since I'm not.", she whispered. Nightmare turned around, placing both hands on the counter. He sighed deeply. "Alright. Anyway, whatever we do, we can't let Hero know about that. EVER.", he said determinedly. Bellatrix agreed and they went to bed, Bellatrix in the guest room, Nightmare in the master bedroom with Hero.
His mind was still spinning as he laid down, putting the blanket over his shoulders. Hero was lying with his back to him, sleeping calmly and deeply. Nightmare sighed deeply and placed his hand on Heros' hip, smiling. Soon after he fell asleep as well, his mind coming to a rest.

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