Getting into massive trouble

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(Yes you read the title. Someone's gonna be in massive trouble~)


(Hero's FoV)
I grabbed a piece if bread from my backpack and bit my canines into it, ripping a piece out of it. I had to listen to my own body, or I would collapse completely because of weakness.
What? If you don't eat anything three days in a row, you can get quite weak, considering the fact that I'm going through a forest.
Sometimes you just have to worry about yourself, you know? (TOTALLY EPIC FOURTH WALL BREAK FROM HERO THERE!)
Anyway, as I was eating my bread, I somehow got to think of Nightmare and Bellatrix. Both were definitely hiding something important from me, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Even my mind reading didn't work since Nightmare locked his thoughts and I was never able to do it with Bellatrix anyway. Somehow.
But if I'd return and ask, I'd either be dead or I'd be hated for the rest of my life.
Just the thought about Nightmare being disappointed made a knot in my throat appear, causing me to not being able to actually eat. So I put the bread back into the bag and stood up, grabbing it and throwing it onto my back. With a sigh I started going into the deepest darkness of the forest, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the different lighting. After that was finished, I decided to step inside.

A few hours later I was nearly at the middle of the forest, thinking to myself how big this place is. It was actually scary. I would give everything for having someone with me now.

(??? FoV)
Herobrine was quite agile, I have to admit. He easily jumped over the roots in the floor, jumped over the bigger gaps with ease, and he sometimes climbed on top of a tree to see how much he has to go through.
Maybe I'm right to get him as a boyfriend...
I deeply sighed and followed him, blending in perfectly with the dark shadows of the forest. At least that's one thing I'm able to do.
Careful to not step on any dry leaves or sticks I continued stalking him, fully aware that Hero knew that someone was here, watching him, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Yet I didn't, because I don't want to hurt him. Well, not again at least. After all, I already did a few times. But he always forgives me. God knows why.
While drowning in my thoughts, I stepped on a stick. Exactly what I didn't want to happen.
Hero's head snapped towards me, yet I quickly made myself blend in completely with the shadows. He squinted his eyes, looking straight through me. I didn't dare to breath. My heart raced so fast and loud that I could almost swear that Hero could hear it. But soon after he shook his head with a soft sigh and turned away, continuing on his way. I slowly breathed out, then I followed him again. His way was still very long, but I planned on not letting him get to his place. Just in case I stayed invisible.

(Hero's FoV)
I could swear I saw someone in the shadows of this tree.
Yet I couldn't quite say if it's true or just my imagination.
Anyway, I continued on my way, now being way more careful and cautious because of that sound. Something was fishy in this forest, but I had to get to Steve and the others. Teleportation is no option. Not in this forest with someone behind me.
I carefully peaked over my shoulder, seeing nothing but the pure darkness. That seemed way more creepy than anything else, so I stopped and turned around, looking at the darkness. I felt that there was something, but...
Meh, I don't care.
I continued on my way, whistling my favorite tune to calm myself down as far as possible. After all, it'll turn dark soon (considering the fact that it's already dark as shit, I mean even darker) and I have to get some shelter fast. Actually, this remembered me of the first time I was completely alone when I made myself a new life once. It was almost as silent as now, but I could at least hear the wind whistling through the leaves and birds chirping, saw the flowers blooming and grass swaying in the wind, and felt the sun warm my skin up.
Right here, in the middle of a dark forest, it was the complete opposite. I shivered under the coldness of the forest, not feeling anything of the sun ad only hearing the dead silence, only broken by quiet rustling of leaves which seemed disturbed by something else than the wind.
I turned around asap as I felt a hot breath on my neck. My breathing hitched and I immediately knew what I had to do to survive:
I flipped around, sprinting into the forest. I had no clue where I was going, but pure fear controlled my body now and I suddenly cursed myself for leaving the save house, my home. All I could feel was the stinging fear in my heart and the hot breath on my neck which I wasn't able to recognize. I knew someone was behind me, yet I didn't want to be caught.

Half an hour later I stopped, panting more than in my entire life. I couldn't keep running, my body won't let me. My heartbeat was higher than ever, and I was close to passing out completely. With a last painful breath my knees buckled and I fell to the ground, my mind throwing me into a deep, pitch black abyss. I felt save, yet at the same time extremely vulnerable.
Then I blacked out.

(??? FoV)
He collapsed.
And he thought he'd get away from ME?!
I let out a soft laughter and grabbed him by his backpack, lifting him up easily. With a bright grin I looked at him from head to toe, thinking about what I could do with him.
I mean, I could wait until he wakes up and then slowly but surely tear him apart, but what's the point if I love him? Then again, I'd rather throw him into a dungeon than letting him go-
That's it! I'll throw him into a dungeon and keep him there until he finally accepts his fate and doesn't go to Steve!
What? I'm worried, and really don't want to lose him completely!
Hero wasn't moving at all, so I decided to drag him after me. Dragging would be easier than carrying, even tho it wasn't such a long way. Bur I didn't care at all. Hero is mine, and only mine.
He doesn't have a choice.

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