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(A few weeks later)
(Hero's FoV)
I raised my sword and slammed it onto the enemies weapon, trying to break his defence.
The last fight started and now everyone of us was here, killing the leftovers of the fricking mobs with the help of the Aether Army and the Nether Army. The overworld would've been inferior, but with the help of everyone else we were more than enough.
I broke the enemies sword with a quick movement, causing my sword to hit him. Blood came out of his neck as I sliced his atery open, causing it to drip on the floor.
I spun around as I heard a sword flying through the air, blocking it with my own. With a quick spin I pushed my sword through their defence and stabbing it into their stomach, kicking the enemy to the ground. He stayed there as I stabbed my sword through his chest, turning it a little bit before ripping it out.
I looked around, searching for someone else. Subconsciously I killed a few more mobs as I searched for Nightmare in this turmoil.
"Seven, eight."
I finally found him, slicing down mobs with such a concentration and control that it was almost impossible to make him stumble. He was wearing a black armor from the Nether, together with a  swordbelt around his hips. A dagger was still in it, yet Nightmare kept his sword in hand.
I slammed my sword into an endermens' face, hearing his loud yell. I looked at him and ripped the sword through his skull, hearing the loud shattering of bones.
I ran over to Steve who was fighting against three skeletons and being beaten up more than expected. With a huge jump I sliced one of them into two pieces. Steve fought off the other two and took a deep breath, smiling a little bit. He had a long cut over his arm, but he seemed fine. "Thank you Hero.", he said calmly. I smiled back and only nodded, killing an Enderman as soon as I turned around. The Enderman tried to grab me, but he collapsed with my sword in his chest.
I saw Steve decapitate a zombie and grinned as I saw how fast he is. With the same grin I took my second sword put of my swordbelt, holding it in my right hand. In front of me were two lines of enemies, perfectly standing still. I took a deep breath and started to run, the swords held out away from me. Within a couple of seconds I already killed the half of them, so I turned around, panting a little bit. I counted twenty-five, so I quickly did my math and grinned.
I looked around a bit calmer, then I suddenly noticed a horde of Wither-skeletons run towards Nightnare.
I flinched and immediately ran over to him as the crowd of Wither-skeletons ran him over, burying him under them.
But shortly before I could get there, the skeletons ran away again as fast as possible. Nightmare was lying unomoving on the ground, and I noticed that he was bleeding heavily.
The enemies retreated completely.
As fast as possible I ran over to him and kneeled down next to him, dropping the swords. "Nightmare!", I gasped and quickly put one hand on his throat, searching for a pulse. My breath picked up as I couldn't find one at first. But then he suddenly moved under my hand and I took a deep breath. Nightmare arched his back in pain, his breathing shallow and raspy. Notch came over to me, as well as everyone else. He and Null tried to keep him awake, but Nightmare was losing way too much blood. I held his hand, trying to make him stay with us. Nighty carefully raised his head and looked at me, smiling weakly. "H-Hero...", he started, but I cut him off. "No, don't speak. You have to stay silent and keep your energy.", I whispered. "Just... Stay with me Nightmare. Stay here!", I begged, gripping his hand in fear. He was extremely pale and in pain. His eyes were glossy, yet he kept looking at me. His eyes suddenly widened and looked at a point behind me before he passed out completely. Chishiki and June softly pulled Nightmare away from us all to help him.
"Don't move a muscle, Hero.", Notch suddenly whispered. "Who's behind me?", I asked quietly and slowly stood up. Null and everyone else stared at me as I was standing now, holding my breath before turning around and slamming my fist into the persons' face. But my fist was caught easily. A bit annoyed I looked up to the head of the person only to gulp heavily.
The person had no face, nor did they have a head. Just the empty stub of a neck. The body of them was completely ripped into a million pieces which just seemed to be piled up on each other, not even bothering to remove the blood. Yet the grip of this person was extremely strong, making it unable for me to rip my hand away from them. And on top of that, the... Whatever this is... is massive. It was about five heads taller than me, making me even more terrified and feel really tiny now.
The person lifted my up by my wrist, causing me to be on the same height now. I swallowed heavily, but Steve suddenly jumped against the... Corpse and threw it over. I fell to the ground with a loud huff and rubbed my head a little bit, groaning. A bit confused I looked up at Steve, only to see that he was standing again, the sword in his hand. The figure was standing as well, attacking Steve. But he dodged the attack with ease, slamming the sword onto the enemy's arm. It screamed in anger and pain, jumping back. A lot of blood was at the place where Steve attack, coloring the grass floor into a deep, crimson red. I took a deep breath and wanted to stand up, but suddenly the creature slammed its fist into a tree, causing it to fall over. I screamed in shock before curling up in fear, hoping that my death would be quick and painless. The tree would fall almost directly on me...
The tree landed, then I suddenly passed out, unable to stay awake.

I woke up by Notch shaking me by my shoulders, asking me repeatedly if I'm there. Somehow, I wasn't quite able to hear him. The weird ringing in my ears would stop until I sat up, my eyes trying to adjust to the lighting.
"Steve? Steve!", Null yelled, searching for something at a tree. A bit confused I stood up very slowly, walking over to where Null was. He looked up at me, pain and fear in his eyes. "Hero, I'm sorry.", he whispered powerlessly, standing up. I tilted my head before looking at the tree.
My heartbeat stopped for a moment.
Right under the tree was a person with soft brown hair and empty, blue eyes. Blood ran over the grass from this person, and the tree was just lying on his back, crushing him completely. My eyes widened and I sank to the ground, touching Steve's cold and lifeless left hand. "S-Stevie?", I asked quietly, my voice dripping with worry. He didn't move, and he won't be moving anymore. A knot appeared in my throat and I struggled to swallow, tears swelling up in my eyes as I noticed what happened. "Steve! Wake up! I know you can! Please, just wake up!", I begged, holding his hand and gently stroking over his cheek. "Please, I beg you! You can do it!" He didn't try to stand up, nor would he ever.
Nightmare, who just woke up, sat up and looked at me, his eyes widened with shock and worry. He slowly stood up, being supported by June and Violette. Chishiki came over to me, looking at Steve rather sad. "He won't come back, Herobrine. No matter how hard you beg him to, he's dead. Forever."
The world shattered as it sunk into my heart like the teeth of a wolf while I looked down at my younger brother, who just laid there motionlessly.
I gritted my teeth to surpress the urge to cry, but I couldn't. I threw my head back and yelled as loud as possible, letting out every bit of pain I felt in my heart. Then I curled up, crying heavily and almost choking on my sobs. Nightmare sat down next to me, pulling me into a hug. I only helplessly gripped his shirt, digging my nails into the fabric as I cried into his shoulder, my heart shattered completely. He gently rubbed over my back, trying to calm me down. He was healed once again, yet he was still quite careful as he held me close. I sobbed heavily, almost being unable to breathe. Nightmare softly put his head on mine, kissing my forehead. "Everything will be fine, Hero. Steve is at a place without pain and fear now. A better place. Wouldn't you want him at a better place?", he asked softly, holding me tightly between his arms. I cuddled him desperately, trying to figure out how to answer. In the end, I just nodded.
Steve... Why did you save me?!
I whimpered as I couldn't breathe anymore. But Nightmare gently blew into my face, causing my vision to blur. Then I only heard him whisper: "Sleep well, Hero."
Then everything went black and a feeling of peace hit me like a wave.

1620 words.

My chapters are getting quite short, yet I don't quite know why.

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