Losing my colors

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(6 months later)
(Hero's FoV)
I hummed my favorite tune as I watered the flowers on the window sill, not looking at the snow outside and being as calm as being possible, considering the fact that it has been six months now since I left Nightmare. And to be honest, I personally thought it was calmer to be alone like that since everything was silent now and I finally had time for myself.
Little did I know how much damage I caused.
I placed the watering can on a shelf and went to the kitchen to get a few seeds. But I could even get to the kitchen, there was a very silent knock on the door. I could only barely hear it, but there was a knock, I was sure of it. Tilting my head and asking myself who this could be, I went to the door. But a heartbeat before I opened the door I suddenly noticed a very, very familiar presence. I froze in place, hesitating to open the door. Just to make sure I went to the closest window and peeked out of it. What I saw made me run to the door again and open it.
Outside of the house was a nearly completely frozen Nightmare who seemed more broken than anything. His eyes were dull, his normally rather dark hair was almost white at the tips, and his just looked ill. I immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him inside because of the sudden coolness that came inside the little house I had built a few months ago.
How did he find me?!, I mentally asked myself. Nightmare stood in the middle of the living room now, rubbing his arms in awkwardness and to warm himself up. He literally just wore ripped jeans, a thin pullover and shoes. Nothing else. And he was way tinier than before. He was weak and ill, and he needed help. Desperately.
"First of all, how did you find me?", I growled. Nightmare flinched under my voice, trying not to look at me. "I...", he started, but his voice was too weak for speaking. I deeply sighed. "Nevermind.", I growled and went to him, removing some snow from his shoulder. But to my surprise I hit something hard. I tilted my head in confusion and rubbed over his shoulder, immediately feeling some bones. A bit confused and worried I followed the bones until I touched his arm. From there on the bones weren't sticking out that much, but that was just crazy.
I looked into his dull eyes, seeing that even the usual black in it turned to an empty greyish color. Somehow that made me really sad, so I just showed him to follow me and we went to the kitchen. Right there I pointed at a close chair and Nightmare sat down, obliviously feeling a bit nervous. I on the other hand went to a cupboard and took a glass from it, filling it with some water. Then I gave it Nightmare. He hesitantly took it and only looked at it in sadness. He just slowly drank it slowly.
After he was finished he gave it to me and just stared at the floor. "So, are you going to tell me now how you found me?", I asked and sat down in front of him. Nightmare hesitated, but then he whispered: "I just stumbled upon your house while searching for you." I gave him a disapproving look and sighed. "And why are you so badly packed? No jacket, no nothing." He went completely silent, his eyes stuck on the floor. "I...", he stuttered, but then his voice broken and he started to cry, curling up a little bit. I immediately felt bad, but I couldn't get myself to hug him. So I just awkwardly sat there.
A few minutes later he was able to talk again, still sobbing. "I-I went off t-to find you because my life j-just went downhill a-and I couldn't get b-back up and-and I-I..." He broke down completely, sobbing heavily and almost choking on his tears. And that just went over the line for me.
I went over to him, hugging him tightly. Nightmare wrapped his arms around my hips, crying into my shirt. I rubbed over his back, whispering calming words into his ears. He trembled violently under my touch and burried his head into my shoulder. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I-I can't do it without you! I'm literally nothing without you!", he whimpered, but I put my finger on his mouth and went a bit away from him, but still embracing him. "No. I bet you are more than you believe without me. But I'm sorry. I doubt that this will work out for us anymore. I will help you get back up and teleport you home later on, but we won't be together again. I doubt it.", I explained. Nightmares' eyes widened a little bit before he suddenly fell to the ground and on his knees. "No! I need you!", he begged me, holding my hands. He lowered his head and cried in sadness. "I-I can't be without you! In the last few months I grew depressive and thought deeper about my life, finding out that it doesn't make sense without you!", he cried, his voice begging and full of pain. He seemed so powerless, so...
I gripped his hands a bit more before sighing and kneeling down to his level. Then I hesitantly dried his tears and swallowed hard. He was right, life didn't make sense for me without him either, but I tried to tell myself that it was better now, but in my deepest internal I knew that it was a lie.
With the heaviest heart I ever had in my entire life I lifted his head up and gently kissed him. Nightmare flinched in shock l, his eyes widened. But then he relaxed as my kiss calmed him down.
A few moments later I pulled away, keeping my hand under his jaw. "I'm giving you a single, last chance to make everything better. But this is the last time, got it?", I mumbled. Nightmare nodded quickly and hugged me. "Thank you! Thank you so much Hero!", he said while hugging me tightly. I just gave him a short giggle before hugging him back. "Don't mess it up this time tho. I'm not planning on going this time again. It hurt to see you like that, but it was the only way I could think of.", I explained, holding him close. Nightmare backed up a little bit and smiled. It was a very tired smile, but he at least had one. "I promise I won't mess it up again." I pulled him closer again and we stayed like that for a long, long time until I broke the hug completely. "Alright. Let's just get you back up. I'mma show you where the bathroom is and bring you some fresh clothes, and then we'll just get something to eat alright?", I asked. Nightmare agreed and I led him to the bathroom.
I'm quite happy that everything and everyone is fine again, but I'm still worried about that promise.

What if he doesn't keep his promise? What should I do then?

1226 words.

Yay they're back together.

(BTW it's meme time)
Creeper? Aww man!

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