Break me down, leave me on the ground to rot.

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(3 months later)
(???s' FoV)
I walked through my castle, wearing a black hoodie as well as black jeans and shoes. With a quiet sigh I stroke through my pitch black hair, listening to the sounds as I walked through a long hallway with many cells on my sides. I heard the sound of chains rattling in one of the last rooms, so I went over to it. In the very last room was a man, all clothed in black with red eyes. He cried, scared about his family. As soon as he saw me he ran over to me, but being blocked by the iron bars. "Let me go! I didn't do anything! Please, I have a family!", he cried, but I slammed my fist against the bars. "Shut up. I'm just here for the other one.", I growled, causing Hollow to back up in fear. He collapsed on the floor, trembling like crazy. Two white eyes opened in the back of the room, going over to Hollow and calming him down. Hollow pressed his body against the smaller and way thinner one of Hero, crying into his shoulder. Hero looked at me in pure hate. "What did we both ever do to you? You can't rip a father from his family away like that, you piece of shit.", he growled, standing up. Hollow went a bit back to the wall, looking at me and Hero. I unlocked the door and went inside, walking towards Herobrine after locking the door again. "You see, Hollow is there just for fun. And you know what I want of you, Hero.", I whispered, raising my hand and touching his cheek. But Hero pushed my hand away and spit on the floor in front of me. "I'd rather be killed than be your boyfriend, Null. You're a disgusting plague for the world. Nothing else." , he hissed. I looked at his eyes before growling. "Seems like I have to teach you some manners." Then I just slapped him hard. Hero collapsed on the ground, holding his cheek. "Get rid of your sassy fucking attitude and maybe I'll spare you and him. Continue, and you're both dead in a few weeks." I turned around, but suddenly heard a loud scream.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! CAN'T YOU SEE THAT YOU'RE TURNING INTO A MANIAC?! OR ARE YOU JUST TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND THE DAMAGE YOU'RE CAUSING TO EVERYONE?! YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE THAT IS LOCKED AWAY, AND NO ONE ELSE! HOLLOW WAS SO HAPPY, HE HAS A FAMILY WITH A CHILD AND A WIFE, BUT YOU JUST HAVE TO DESTROY EVERYTHING!", Hero yelled, pain and anger in his voice. Hollow looked at him a bit worried before he gently placed both hands on his shoulders. "Calm down, Hero. It doesn't work. No one can save a maniac from the path he's going on.", he said quietly, his voice dull and powerless. But Herobrine was nowhere near done. He stood up again, but I pushed him to the ground. Hollow immediately hid in a corner that was far enough away to not be a target.
I pinned Herobrine down, holding both hands over his head. Then I just punched him square in the face multiple times. With every hit more and more blood covered my hands and Hero tried to fight me off more and more, until he suddenly went limp.
I released him and stood up, removing some blood from my hand. Herobrine was completely unconscious, his face bloody and pale. I looked at Hollow, causing him to curl up in fear. He was terrified after he saw what I just did.
I sighed and left the cell, locking it behind me before going upstairs to wash my hands again. Maybe I went too far, but right now I didn't care.

(Hollows' FoV)
I crawled over to Hero and lifted him up onto my legs, holding him close while removing some of the blood as careful as possible. To his luck nothing was broken so I could just remove it. Then I started slapping him gently, causing him to groan and wake up.
I felt so bad for my son, but I was also surprised that he saved me. Maybe he didn't know that I was his father...
"Hollow...?", he mumbled, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I swallowed and stroke over his dark brown hair, removing it from his eyes. "Yes, Hero?", I asked. He looked at me, his white eyes dull. "What exactly are we for him...?", he whispered. "Are we just slaves without any feelings? Or are we just here for his entertainment?" I knew why he asked me this. I was about one month longer here, and I know what happens. Null isn't quite gentle with me since I arrived here, but he never attacked me so brutally.
I hugged Hero tightly. "I'm not sure. But I know we can get out of here eventually.", I mumbled. Hero hugged me as well, halfway curled up. We hugged for a few hours before I took a deep breath and released him. Hero let it happen, held me still close tho. A few moments later he released me as well and sat down on the floor next to me. I took his hand and held it tightly. Hero was still very sad, but he tried to be as calm as possible.
We stayed silent until I felt Hero put his head on my shoulder. He never did that before, so I slightly flinched. Hero stayed calm tho and fell asleep on my shoulder. I let it happen, even tho I was really, really hesitant and careful not to disturb him by moving. It was really uncomfortable since that one shoulder he's leaning on hurt badly since a few days. But I grinded my teeth together and let Hero sleep. After all, that's what I owe him. At least this.
Soon after I felt myself fall asleep as well, placing my head on Hero's. Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't so bad with Hero as my friend. But I really don't want him to get hurt, so this will be interesting.

1033 words

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