Don't mess with me, huney.

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(Hero's FoV)
I woke up after what were possibly hours, yet only felt like ten minutes. My body protested as I sat up to look around, my eyes trying to adjust to the darkness around me, but it was useless.
I was in a dark dungeon, at least this is what I think it is. With a bit of hesitatation I stood up and went towards the window, but I suddenly got pulled back by my hands. A bit confused I turned around and looked down. Multiple chains were wrapped around my wrists and forearms, preventing me from going any further than a few meters.
I desperately tried to look out of the window and actually got a short glance of the outer world, which was just trees and darkness. And a bright moon above the trees. So it's nightime now... Damn I bet Steve is really worried now. What did I get myself into?!
I turned back around and went back to the place I was before, but before I could react, I got pushed against the wall by my arms, the chains shattering due to the impact against the wall. I yelled as my spine hit the wall as well, the pain shooting into my head. My body trembled heavily as I looked up, looking directly into the glowing eyes of...

My heart missed a beat as I noticed what he's been doing, and I immediately stiffened, recognizing the look in his eyes. It was pure insanity, and I knew how dangerous this can be for him.
"Come on, don't be shy. Just tell me that you're mine~", Null whispered, trying to come closer to my face. But that was already too much for me.
I dropped to the ground, jumping through his legs like I did with Nightmare multiple times. Null was shocked, turning around furiously. He let a long sword appear out of nowhere. "If you don't want to be together with me forever, no one will!", he yelled, attacking me.
I immediately darted to my right, causing him to miss me. But Null was always quite fast. He swung his sword faster than I even could, almost slicing over my stomach. But I jumped backwards, landing on one knee to not trip. Null looked at me annoyed, showing his teeth. "Oh, you edgy little bitch!", he chuckled darkly, lifting his sword again. He focused directly on me, slowly coming closer. I got an idea, yet he had to come way closer for it to work. "Bad idea, Hero. Never try to fight someone back you might need~", he whispered, putting his sword on my throat.
He was finally close enough. I put my hand on his chest and gave him a very soft, but faked smile. "I don't need anyone like you, Null." Then I shot a single shock through his body, causing him to yell and jump away from me. He dropped the sword in the process. That gave me a short idea. I grabbed the sword, lifting it into a defensive position. Null was panting heavily, but he started to growl and stood up, spawning a second sword. "Ok, it's enough. I will tear you apart slowly but surely, rip your limbs out one by one and make you stay awake as I slowly tear your organs out of your body!", he screamed, seemingly pissed now. But I only grinned. "Oh, Null. When I was on my killing spree I had way better ideas for torture. Yours are... Let me say pathetic. Sad. So let me show you how to do it.", I threatened, circling him to get a better angle to attack him. Null copied my movements, circling me as well. I made myself take deep breaths and readjusted the chains on my arms. I would need them later on, so I shouldn't lose them at all.
Null was the one to charge at me, swinging his sword at my throat. But I only jumped back without stumbling. It was actually fun, but also very sickening. Null was insane and tried to kill me, yet I'm here, dodging his attacks like it were Notchs'. And Notch sucks at fighting me. Well, what can I say? He's old, yet he can still beat Null easily.
I blocked another attack with the sword, letting it land on the floor. But with one hit, Null disarmed me and somehow was able to get my sword while I disarmed him. Which meant in short form: Null had a weapon, but I don't.
With a low growl I stood still, waiting for him to come closer. He did, and while he came closer, I carefully grabbed the chains around my arms with both hands. Null raised his sword and slammed it down onto my head, but I raised my arms immediately, causing the sword to hit the chains and not me. I ripped the chains and the sword backwards, making the weapon fly into a different corner of the room.
Null went extremely pale with my movements as I was the one attacking now. With a couple of hits I got behind him, pressing both of my feet onto his back and wrapping the chains around his throat. Null stumbled due to my sudden attack and the fact that I pressed my complete body weight against the lower part of his spine. He screeched and tried to attack, but failed because I pulled the chains tighter, chocking him brutally.
Suddenly he let himself fall backwards, causing me to hit the ground. Null immediately freed himself from the chains and summoned a knife, putting it on my throat.
In a corner of the room I suddenly noticed Nightmare who focused directly on me. Yet he didn't make a single move to help me. That made me disappointed and angry.
With a loud yell I threw Null off me, grabbing his knife and stabbing it into his own body. He screamed in agony and pain and struggled to get away, but I continued stabbing him until he was dead.
Then I turned around at the place where Nightmare was. He was still standing there, now actually stepping out of the shadow. I immediately charged at him and put both hands on his throat, chocking him. "YOU SICK BASTARD JUST STOOD THERE AND DIDN'T HELP ME!!!", I yelled in anger. But Nightmare stood still, looking at me calmly. "If I knew you where in real danger, I would've stepped in. Yet you seemed to be able to handle this. And as I can see, you weren't afraid. You trusted yourself to be able to kill him. And you did, even tho I wouldn't have gone so far.", he explained. I looked behind me, my grip around his throat loosening. Null was lying on his back, his chest overflowing with blood. Now I suddenly noticed what I had done. My body started to tremble as I noticed that Null was dead. My legs couldn't carry me anymore and I dropped to the ground.
Nightmare kneeled down next to me, rubbing over my back. "Let's get you out of here. Steve and the others are outside, all waiting for us both to leave. Null was planning something weird already and Hollow turned to the good side because of his son. The war is almost won, so we have a few days to recover. Or at least you. You got a few wounds which you probably didn't notice." First I looked up at him, then down onto my own body. He was right, the wounds from my sprint through the forest were still there, but also a long cut over my belly which I didn't notice. Nightmare sighed, then he helped me stand up again. "You know, a sorry for choking me would be nice. Even tho that was kinda kinky." He chuckled softly. I threw him a played death glare. "Be happy that you don't know this side of me.", I said. Nightmare laughed quietly. "Oh, I would love to know that side." "Oh, and btw, how about a sorry for locking me up and thinking I had the pills? I only hid them in the bathroom shelf, in the darkest corner, so Bellatrix wouldn't find them and snap again like she did when I was younger.", I said, creeping a bit closer to him. Nightmare put his hands on my hips before smiling. "Well, it seems that were even now.", he mumbled, holding me close. I rolled my eyes. "No we're not. After all, you and Bellatrix are hiding something. And I want to know what and why I can't read your mind at all anymore." Nightmare frowned. "It's best if you don't know what we're hiding, Hero. I'll be honest, I blocked you off so you aren't able to find anything out, since this information could or could not be quite dangerous for you to know. It's just for your own safety." I pouted. "What could be so dangerous for me to know?", I asked him, looking right into his eyes. He looked at me for a very long time before sighing. "Well, I can at least say so much: it's about your father." I flinched. "Ok I really don't want to know.", I said coldly, looking away. Nightmare sighed and hugged me, rubbing over my back. "Anyway, let's drop the subject. Hero, I was really worried about you! You were just gone!", he told me, pulling me a bit away so he can look into my eyes. I chuckled a little bit. "Well, you can't lock me away for too long after our dungeon-part where we only barely came out.", I replied, looking up at him. "And you weren't quite nice to me anyway, so I thought it would be better to leave you to yourself for some time." Nightmare nodded hesitantly. "Oh. Ok. Well, sorry for that." I chuckled softly. "No, it's fine. It really is." I quickly kissed him on the cheek. "I can't be mad at you for long, Nightmare. Even if you come with the bad pickup-jokes." He looked at me with widened eyes, then he suddenly pouted. "Those are not so bad.", he said in a played pissed way. I laughed softly and pocked his cheek, grinning. "They are, Nightmare. They really are." He sighed and just picked me up bridal-style, carrying me put of the dungeon into the main hall. Right there were Steve, Notch, Jeb and Entity. And to my big surprise June, Chishiki and Violette, all three in full diamond armor and they had swords with them. The others had weapons and armor as well, except for Nightmare and me.
As soon as my younger brother saw me, he ran towards me. Nightmare was able to put me down and jump out of the way, or else Steve would've thrown us both over. He hugged me tightly, almost strangling me in the process. I chocked slightly, slightly patting on Steve's back to signal him to let go of me, but he didn't care. He just hugged me happily. I waited patiently, holding my breath so I don't use up all the oxygen in my lungs. A few moments later Steve let go, making it able for me to breath. I took a deep one and slowly breathed out, letting the air flow through my lungs. He chuckled softly. "Sorry. I didn't know you couldn't breathe, Hero." I huffed quietly. "Of course you wouldn't, Steve.", I groaned playfully as I grabbed his hand to stand up. He let out a soft chuckle before I hugged him back, but way softer and more careful. A few moments after I released him, I saw the girls wave at me. I waved back with a grin while the others smiled at me.
Nightmare came to me from the side, gently grabbing my hand and looking down at me as Steve went back to the others. I looked at him as well, a grin on my face that could've fought Sans'. "Let's go.", he whispered, then we walked to the others.

2020 words.

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