New tries

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"How the hell am I supposed to find something he could wear if I don't even remember what size he wears?! What did I get myself into, god fricking dang it!", I grumbled, digging through my closet. Nightmare was still in the bathroom, showering himself and warming up. Poor him, he was almost frozen to death just because he wanted to find me. God, what the hell was wrong with me to leave him alone like that?
I took a deep breath and pulled a long sleeved shirt from the closet which was a bit bigger than my others. Thinking, I looked at it and just shrugged, throwing it on the bed to a pair of pants and a few other clothes. Then I grabbed the stuff and brought it to the bathroom, putting it in a close shelf for Nightmare to see. After that I silently left the room and closed the door, going to the kitchen. I just went to the fridge and took out a few things to make just a few sandwiche, fully aware that I had to improvise because I clearly had nothing done.
After a few minutes I had a few sandwiches done as I heard the bathroom door open and Nightmare come to the kitchen. He stopped in the doorway and I turned around, seeing that the clothes I gave him actually fit. It was just a simple blue shirt and a blue jeans, together with black socks. I gave him a small nod. "Alright. It looks good to me.", I said and showed him to sit down. Nightmare followed my advice and I brought the plate with sandwiches over to the table, sitting down at it. Nightmare and I ate the sandwiches, but we both were silent all the time. I could Nightmare tense up a bit every time I looked at him which confused me a little bit. But I didn't mind at all.
After we were done I told Nightmare to go to the living room while I cleaned the table, thinking about what he might have gone through. One thing I noticed is that he had bandages under his pullover, which were red at some parts. Which only meant one thing.
As I was washing the plates and glasses we used, I felt a presence behind me. Considering the fact that Nightmare has been gone for a very long time, I noticed how different it felt as he stood in the doorway.
"Hero, who is that on the pictures in the living room?"
I let out a soft sigh. "She's an old friend of mine. You don't know her, but just know that she's always watching. Her name is (y/n).", I chuckled. (Epic fourth wall break!) Nightmare hesitated, but then he nodded. "Alright. I guess that makes sense.", he mumbled, turning around to leave again. "Oh, wait! I just remembered something!", he suddenly said, turning back to me. "Do you have a blanket here or something? It's kinda cold here, isn't it?"
I froze in my actions before turning to him, grabbing the towel and drying my hands. "Nightmare, we have 25°C in here, and you're wearing a long sleeved shirt!" He tilted his head. "Really? It feels like those are only 10°C.", he mumbled. I stared at him before going to him and placing my hand on his forehead which I could only reach by reaching up almost all the way. "Uhm... You're warmer than usual.", I stated, looking into his eyes. "How do you feel?"
"Pretty fine actually, it's just cold."
My idea just drowned into an endless sea of failure. I actually thought it might be that he was frozen before, but he's warmed up now and it's almost impossible that he's still feeling the coldness outside. "Uhm... Alright. About your question earlier, yes, I do have blankets. Wait, I'mma go get you one.", I said, slipping past him. Nightmare followed me, rubbing his arms a little bit. As we arrived in the hallway at a closet, I took a thick blanket from it and opened it. (Color is random, whatever you like it to be.) "There you go. Is it really that cold tho?", I asked, putting it around his shoulders. Nightmare took the edges and pulled it a bit tighter around him. "Yeah, it is.", he replied, looking at me before smiling. "Thank you." I nodded and went back to the kitchen to do the cleaning. Nightmare went back to the living room with the blanket.

15 minutes later I was done with the cleaning of the kitchen and went to the living room as well, noticing that everything was silent. Nothing made a single sound, not even Nightmare. As soon as I arrived in the living room, I knew why.
Nightmare was lying on the sofa, sleeping peacefully. He was halfway curled up and hugged the blanket tightly. I silently went over to him and sat down next to him, touching his forehead. It was still warm, but now it cooled down a little bit. I gently stroke the hair away from his eyes, smiling a bit. He seemed to peaceful, so nice. Something I rarely saw from him.
I sighed, stood up, closed the curtains and dimmed the light before going out into the hallway and from there on into my room. I changed into my pyjama and laid down in bed, putting the blanket over my shoulders. They were cold as always, giving me a feeling of being alone and leading my body into a deep sleep.

(Nightmares' FoV)
At the next morning I woke up to almost pure darkness. Only the lamp was on, but really dark. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to somehow to not fall asleep again. Hero was nowhere to be seen, so I could just guess that he was in his room.
A bit hesitant I stood up, pulling the blanket a bit tighter around me as I went to the light switch to light the room up. Then I went to the window, looking out and seeing that the snow was already melting. It made me shiver as I just now noticed that Hero saved my life. A few hours more and I would've frozen to death.
I definitely have to thank him for that. He was literally my savior.
God, how stupid do I have to be that I walk through the snow just to find Hero? What if he wouldn't have been here? I would be dead!
I sank to the ground as it sunk into me and started to tremble uncontrollably, pressing my body against the wall next to me.
A few minutes later I caught myself again, swallowing heavily. I hesitantly stood up and started to search for Hero. I found him in his bedroom, the covers pulled up over his head and completely asleep. A bit hesitant I went over to him and sat down on the chair next to his bed. Then I started watching him.
Hero seemed so peaceful, some of his hair was sticking out from under the blanket. But he noticed that I was here and woke up jerkily, pushing the blanket down and looking at me with dim, white eyes. "What are you doing in my room?", he asked tiredly and sat up, stretching his back with multiple satisfying pops. I shrugged slightly. "I don't know. I just decided to look for you." He gave me a suspicious look before standing up. "Whatever.", he mumbled and yawned. "As long as you don't wake me up because you need some stupid shit- and believe me, I had some causes where someone woke me up for no reason- everything is fine and we're all happy.", he grumbled and went to his dresser, opening it and grabbing a random shirt. I left the room a bit sad, but first of all he just woke up now, and secondly he's probably not liking it so much that I'm back. I had a feeling it went a bit too fast for him.
I went back to the living room and sat down on the sofa, waiting for Hero. He came down after a few minutes, seemingly tired as all fuck and annoyed to the bone. He went to the kitchen and made some coffee before coming to me into the living room and going to the other sofa, placing a cup of coffee in front of me on the table before sitting down opposite of me and drinking some of the dark brown juice. I hesitated for a moment. I mean, I drink coffee so that's no problem, but if he's angered I didn't dare make a single wrong move around him. After what happened...
Hero growled as he read my mind. "I'm not angry I'm jus tired. And stop thinking about this stupid thing.", he groaned tiredly and somewhat pissed now. I took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright.", I mumbled, taking the cup and drinking some coffee.
All in silence we drank our coffee, not looking each other in the eye. I was very uncomfortable with this, but Hero didn't say anything at all.
Maybe it was for the best.

1541 words

A new destiny | tNoyd Part 2 Where stories live. Discover now