Can I trust them?

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(Hero's FoV)
Tears dripped down my cheeks as I looked up into the eyes of Nightmare, seeing that he was tired but he remained awake. He let out a soft sigh, patting my head. "Do you want to talk about your dream?", he asked carefully. Notch sat up and looked at me, his deep brown eyes focusing on us.
I felt bad for waking them both up. It's not like I wanted to, but...
Nightmare sighed and stroke over my hair. "Stop thinking about that. It's ok that you woke us up, but you don't have to feel bad for it.", he mumbled, removing some hair from my face. I nodded before hugging him a little bit tighter. Nightmare let it happen. Notch stood up, stretching his back. "Well, I guess I could go to the kitchen and make some coffee for us. After all, this will be a long night.", he offered. Nightmare agreed and Notch left the room.
I put my head on Nightmares' shoulder, looking behind him. "I miss him.", I whispered after a long silence. He nodded before he gently bit into my neck. "We all miss him, but we don't think about him all the time. We tell each other that he still watches over us, yet we can't see him. He's still there, even for you, Hero.", he mumbled, nibbling on my neck. I quietly sighed before sitting up. He stopped, looking at me and drying my tears with his long sleeves. "Let's go downstairs, Hero." I agreed and we went downstairs, holding hands.
Notch was sitting at the table, three mugs of coffee on the table. He waited for us and looked up as we entered the kitchen. "There you two are." Nightmare and I sat down at the table and then we talked about some stuff, mostly to make me not think of Steve. I acted like it made me happier, but deep inside I knew that my heart was broken, and there was no was to repair it. Even if Nightmare tried to fix it.
I took a deep breath and looked behind Notch out of the window, suddenly seeing four eyes, two red and two purple glowing. Still looking at those eyes, I touched Nightmares' arm. He looked at me confusedly, but as I raised my arm and pointed at the eyes, he followed my gaze. After a few minutes of silence he suddenly sighed. "Hero, there is nothing. And even if, it was just your imagination, or an animal." The eyes blinked for a moment. Then I was finally able to rip myself away from them and turning to Nightmare. Notch looked at me in surprise. "Wait, you don't see the eyes?", I asked slowly. Nightmare shook his head. "No." A bit confused I looked back at the place where those eyes were, but...
"They're gone...", I whispered, staring at the place. Only pure darkness was there, and nothing else. "Nightmare, I swear I saw eyes over there! Two red ones and two purple ones!", I said, looking at them both again. Nightmare seemed confused, but Notch flinched as I explained what I saw. "Two red ones and two purple ones you say?", he asked, focusing on me. I nodded. He looked at the table, playing with a spoon and completely lost in his thoughts. "So it could be true...", he mumbled subconsciously. Nightmare rolled his eyes, leaning back. "Oh, come on! You can't possibly believe him!", he growled, looking at us both in disbelief. Notch took a deep breath and started to explain.
"You two already know that Hollow is on the good side, but the rumors about him having a Enderman-Hybrid as a son were never quite proven right. No one actually saw them since the reset because they kept undercover. Hollow seems to be scared about his son and his wife, and he doesn't even want to kill anyone of us anymore."
Nightmare sighed and stood up, putting his hands on the table. "I can't believe you actually are on his side! Nothing against you, Hero, but you can't possibly think that they were there! It could also have been a spider or an Enderman or something like that!", he started, but I cut him off by standing up and going upstairs. I was quite disappointed now since he doesn't believe me and thinks I'm crazy or imagining things. Closing the bedroom door, I sat down on the bed, looking out of the window.
Hey, Steve. If you can hear me... I'm sorry that you had to go. You didn't deserve this. But, if you can actually hear me, let me know. I really miss you, and I'm starting to lose trust in Nightmare and myself.
Well, he thinks I'm going insane after your death, but I'm fine! I can't trust him or anyone now anymore, except you and Notch.
I hope you'll answer soon.
A person came upstairs and knocked on the door. "Hero, may I enter?", someone asked, his voice showing me that it was Notch. I took a deep breath and asked: "Are you alone?" Notch hesitated. "Yes, why do you ask?"
"Nothing. Come in."
I heard the door open behind me and Notch coming over to me, his steps long and calm. "Close the door.", I said. Notch stopped, but then he actually did as I said. Then he sat down next to me, looking at me. I continued staring outside, looking at the moon.
"Did you ever expect Nightmare to say that?", I asked.
"No. Honestly, I didn't."
"Do you know why he did that?"
"No. Do you?"
There was a long silence between us. Then I stood up, going to the window. "He doesn't trust me after what happened to Steve.", I mumbled. Notch wanted to reply something, but he hesitated and closed his mouth again. I stood next to the window, looking out at the forest a few hundred meters away. "He tries to make me think about something else, but he can't. And he knows that. So he tries to make me swallow my pain. But that also doesn't work.", I said, turning my head to him. My eyes glowed a bit brighter than usual, causing Notch to be slightly uncomfortable. "Do you think you will make the same mistake like him?", I asked, my voice dropping a few notes. Notch flinched as he noticed that my mood changed, but he took a deep breath. "I... I'm not sure, Hero. But I'll try to not do the same thing like him.", he stuttered. I looked at him, reading his mind.
After a few moments I turned back to the window. "I really hope that you are honest, Notch.", I said, my voice strict. I could basically feel Notch flinch, before he made himself calm down a bit. "I hope so too, Hero." I nodded. There was another really long, uncomfortable silence.
"Hero? Can I ask you something?"
"Spit it out, Notch."
"Why did you ask me if I'm alone?"
"Because I'm losing my trust in Nightmare."
"And why is that?"
"He thinks I'm insane, yet we both know that I'm maybe an emotional mess right now, but I'm still as stable as before. And as long as he thinks I'm crazy, I won't trust him. I'm actually thinking about leaving once and for all."
"Oh, no the fuck you don't!"
Notch yelled in shock and almost fell off the bed, but I stayed calm, only turning my head a little bit. "How long have you been listening for?", I asked coldly. "A couple of minutes, since you started to ask Notch if he'd do the same mistake like me.", Nightmare replied. I could sense that he had a weapon with him, as well as the bottle of pills.
"Put the knife down, Nightmare. As well as the pills. And put them on the bed to Notch.", I said calmly, my voice threatening him. Nightmare hesitated, but then I heard him take a few steps towards the bed before suddenly charging at me.
I turned around, slamming my palm under his nose, causing it to break and him to collapse and curl up, holding his bleeding nose. "FUUUUUCK!!!", he yelled, his voice muffled by his hands. But I only calmly went over to him, taking the knife and the bottle and putting it on the worktable. Then I turned to Notch. "See? I knew he couldn't be trusted. So I kept my guard and my magic up."
Notch nodded slowly, looking at Nightmare. Said man stood up, glaring at me. Then he tried to attack again, but I only ducked before giving him a quick spin, causing him to almost lose his balance. I jumped up, slamming my elbow into his chest, sending him so hard to the floor that he yelled in pure pain, his eyes widened and his spine arched. And on top of that, I put my foot on his chest, pressing it down and using my full body weight.
"Attack me again and I will fucking murder you, right here and right now.", I growled. Nightmare whimpered under me and stared at me in fear and shock, his eyes widened. "I-I WON'T! I PROMISE I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!!!", he screamed. I brought some more pressure on his chest until I heard him choke. "S-stop! Please...", he begged, his voice raspy. I snarled, then I started to grin. "Why would I stop? You just tried to murder me.", I whispered dangerously calm.
Suddenly there was a heavy blow on my head and I collapsed unconsciously.

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