Chapter 2

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Happy New Year everyone! I wanted to post this on Christmas but I missed it. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

'This old geezer really annoys me for some reason.' was the thought that Edward had since they left Resembool.

The 'old geezer' was happily looking at the sceneries and around him as if everything around him amused him.

"Its been a while since I've traveled by train."

"What, you have magic brooms for that?" Ed questioned sarcastically but Dumbledore seems even more amused by it.

"Why yes. But we usually teleport or use a potkey."

"What the- I WAS JUST JOKING! You have got to be kidding." he mumbled while leaning against the window.

"If we can teleport then why are we going by train?" Al was curious to know. Sending most of his life on the road hasn't curbed his wanderlust but magic was giving him more opportunities and he was eager to know.

"Because I wanted to."

Ed twitched as he got irritated by Dumbledore's answer.

'I really want to punch his face in.'

"Van had told me many stories about traveling. I had wished to experience the same thing."

"Were you close to Mr. Hohenheim, Mr. Dumbledore." Winry asked.

"No, not really. But he was a man who had an interesting perspective on things." Winry seemed satisfied with this answer and went back to her blueprints that she brought with her but Ed was troubled.

Granted he didn't know much about his old man but he did know the bastard was a man of science. He wasn't sure why Hohenheim was interested in this "magic".

"But I do have to admit it is very long. We can get out in Ishval and portkey from there."


"Brother! Don't be cheapskate."

"Yeah Ed, it's not like your not loaded."


"This place looks so desolate." Dumbledore said as he looked around the war stricken land.

"Yeah that what happens when there's a war." The response was cold and Dumbledore was saddened to hear it from such a young man.

"Ed, remember what Mustang said. He doesn't know about Ishval." Winry was also looking around. This was the place that her parents had been killed. In a morbid way, she was glad to come here at last.

Dumbledore looked confused so Al started to explain. "A few years ago there was a war here. One of Amestris soilders had been reported to have shot an Ishval child. It started a bloodshed in Ishval. It went so bad that our former Fuhrer sent State Alchemists to eradicate all Ishvalians."

"And you were there for this?" Dumbledore questioned Ed.

"No, this was before I became a State Alchemist."

The atmosphere became bleek again. Even though the war was in Ishval its affects have reached far. Ed didn't want to think about it knowing the real reason why the war had started.*

"Well we can't dilly-dally around anymore. Could you please find something useless or irrelevant that will not be noticed much."

"The hell!"

"What about this?"

"Yes, that will do perfectly."

With a wave of his wand the object turned blue and vibrated a little. Hesitantly Ed touched it with everyone else according to Dumbledore's instruction and he was no longer in Ishval.

 Hesitantly Ed touched it with everyone else according to Dumbledore's instruction and he was no longer in Ishval

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*The reason why the war started is very long and its better if you watch FMAB than me explaining. ^_^

The next chapter won't be coming very soon because I have my project work to complete. I'll probably update in February next after all the mayhem is over.

Hope you liked the chapter!

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