chapter 1: pink moon

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"the pink moon is fast approaching "the King said as the royal family sat on the long wooden table, gold ornated the edge of the table,it shines as a weak warm light from the candles flickered on it's surface.

"I have heard " one of the king's son said.

"I must tell you that the pink moon is not an ordinary night, the dragon dance comes with the pink moon, if you don't want to end up with someone you don't want to be with for the rest of time, refrain from dancing" the King said gently as he speared the meat on his plate.

Everyone breath slightly, and whispered their yesses. The royal family was composed of the King-King Licrun , his sixteen sons and his youngest child-his daughter Reema.

Reema is exceptionally different from everyone not just from her brothers but to all her kind.

Her kind-the dragons, has gems at thier chests. Reema doesn't have one, without a gem she can easily pass as 'not a dragon', she wasn't given sight at the day of her birth, her gemless body can't produce fire.

She gently, spooned her food towards her mouth. She couldn't care less about the pink moon. What is pink anyway? How does the moon look like?

"father, I'm done" she said wiping her lips.

"Oh, yes, yes of course dear" the King said, his deep voice growled on her ears. "Accompany the princess to her room"

A rough pair of hands ,held Reema's and gently pulled her up "there you go princess" a soft voice spoke, it belonged to Eileen Reema's helper since she was young. Eileen grasped her by the hand and shoulder as they head to her room at the highest tower.

"Do you think my room is a bit too high? " Reema asked, feeling the air around them beginning to cool down as they walk higher the stairs.

"Yes " Eileen answered almost in a whisper.

"Well I don't, I have begged father for this room since I was young" Reema smiled as the words flow out her mouth.

"I believe it's true" Eileen chuckled maneuvering her to take a sharp turn.

The echo of their footsteps bounced off the dark walls of the old castle. Reema slided her fingers on the rough wall, it was hard ,cold, yes .Rough.

Reema had done it a hundred times that she knew they have reached her room . "You can rest now Eileen" she said sliding her fingers on the door's knob.

"Yes, princess" Eileen said in a low voice, her hurried footsteps filled the corridor with the sounds of her shoe banging on the floor.

Reema gently opened the door, it creaked slightly. She was greeted by a subtle flowery smell, she smiled,, at least she could still enjoy the smell of the flowers, she walked closer to where the scent is coming from. She ran her fingers to the flowers to examine it, it was so soft and so delicate. She breathe lowly.

Reema walked towards the direction of her harp, she slid her fingers on it's smooth surface. Pushing back her hair as she takes a seat beside the harp.

Reema flicked her fingers on the harp string, a high but calm note came from one of the strings. She started playing, carefully flicking and picking the thin strings. Many people say she plays the harp great, might be because she's the only person to ever play a harp. She never heard anyone who do.

A soft knock interrupted her, she gently lowered her hands, placing it on her thighs, straightening her back she said "come in"

The door creaked open, "you play beautifully dear, just like your mother " King Licrun said and kissed Reema's top of the head.

"I wish I heard her music" she numbly said.

"It was a hard time dear, the fae and the dragons doesn't get along very well, " the King sat beside her .

"Hmmmmm" Reema flatly hummed.

"Dragons and fae contradict each other, we are especially weak against the magic of their nymphs " King Licrun said, very lowly.

"Did they killed her? " she asked, but she's afraid of her father's answer.

"The nymphs? No, nymphs are a lot more gentle than the other faes"

"T-then who? "

"It was one of the elves, he was never identified " King Licrus patted Reema's shoulder.

"Then, we-we just made peace with them? " Reema wasn't completely in rage, but it came to her as a surprise.

"I can't afford to lose anyone anymore" King Licrus said, "I-i came here, to warn you, the pink moon is fast approaching, you're about on the right age to marry, never dance with any dragon on that night, the effects of the pink moon are irrevocable"

"Didn't you and mother danced under the pink moon? "

"We did, but we knew we loved each other and we'd spend our lives together anyway, even without the blessing of the pink moon" he kissed Reema's head once more "goodnight , starlight"

"Good night ,Pah"

The King stood up ,his step audible through the silence of the night, he sofly closed the door as Reema fall into her bed. Soon sleep came to her, embracing her in incomparable comfort

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