Something's Different...

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When Emma arrives home, Gillian runs to her. Her face was full of concern because Emma had looked drowned in stress lately. She started asking her where she went, how she was feeling, if she was okay.

Emma laughs nervously and explains that she just wanted to be alone and that she feels better now. Gillian then asks in confusion,
"Alone? Where did Ray go then? I thought he went after you but I guess not?"
"Oh, yeah he was there with me"
"Awww you guys were alone together~?"
"Er.. um.. yeah? Is that a big deal?"

Emma didn't understand why that was something to be teased about but for whatever reason, she became flustered.

"Hahaha nahh don't worry about it", she responds.
Gillian skips away with the biggest smile on her face. Emma stands there, confused at why them being alone was important. She dissmisses it and walks into the base.

Ray then arrives shortly after Emma and Gillian runs up to him asking what happened between the two. She had an incredibly mischievous grin.

"So, Ray, what happened between you and Emma~"

He becomes flustered and starts to blush.
"Huh?? N-nothing happened, Gillian it's not like that!"

This only entices Gillian to know more about their relationship. Ray dismisses her and decides to just go inside as well. Gillian stays outside for a little while more before going in the base. Her smile didn't fade as she watched him storm off. Instead, it grew larger. After that, Violet comes along and asks,
"Why do you have such a stupid grin on your face?"
She giggles to herself and then replys,
"Emma and Ray were out together~, also, when I asked Ray about it, he was really flustered"
Violet's face changes and she starts laughing. Gillian joins her.
Violet says, "haha they're so innocent. I bet they just held hands or whatever"
"But who cares!? It's totally adorable!"
Violet: "if you say so"

Later on, the family was getting ready for dinner, and as usual, Emma sits next to Ray.

Ever since Grace field and even after that, the distance between their chairs was the closest they've ever been... until just a few hours ago where they'd nearly had their noses touching--the space between them was almost nothing.

Ray remembers this when she takes a seat beside him and he suddenly thinks he's supposed to say something to her. He trys, but his forced words mixed with his flustered emotions came out as a stuttering mess.

"Yo-hey- h-i, Ehm, uh, EMMA! YOhey, EMM-HA"

She looks at him confused while he has the proudest look on his face ever since he build the device to nullify the tracking devices.

Confused at WHAT he was trying to say, she moves her ear slightly closer and asks him,
"Can you repeat that? This time, try English," She giggled.

He starts to become embarrassed. He turns back to his food and looks down in defeat. Although, she wasn't necessarily threatening him.

Normally, Ray would look annoyed of her joke but he was acting weird... very odd. She dismisses his behaviour but looks in concern. Emma was still oblivious to anything romantic-wise, but even she could tell, something was up with both of them. Something was different, but she wasn't sure if it was a good difference, or a bad one.

~This is when she started acknowledging her strange, uneasy feeling that she has felt for a long time now.~

The sun was setting and the glaring light showered in. The golden illumination reflected against the family but Ray was staring at Emma. Her orange hair shined against it and her pale skin was nearly glowing. He had never noticed how reflective her eyes were until he had been lost in their vibrant green all over again. The room was filled with talking, but in that moment, Ray couldn't hear it. All he could hear was her delicate movements. The world was loud, but to him it was silent. A single strand of hair floated onto her face. She sees it and just as she was going to move it away, Ray's hand beat her to it.

Gently, he brushed it to the side and she turned her attention to him. She smiled at him angelically and only said,
"Thank you, Ray!"
He smiled back but didn't respond. They continued their dinner.

The sun had finally set and Yuugo was about to bring up the next two people to hunt for food the next morning. He called up Ray. But he didn't have a second person just yet. He was confused but decided to follow him into a room. Emma watched him walk to the next room.

"What did Yuugo have to talk to him about?" She wondered and continued eating.

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