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The demon didn't flinch at the reward Ray offered. He didn't even care to leave his entire dimention, full of luxuries and riches, for friends...

He laughed quietly to himself.

Emma was still scared of him but a warm feeling appareaed in her heart as she held a hand to her chest.

"He's so childish... Not scary..."

A small smile took it's place on her lips as she stared at the ground.
Ray grabbed onto her hand in reassurance and smiled at her brightly.
She hugged his arm in response.

"Everything will work out, right?" She asked one more time.

"Yeah. Don't worry." He said, kissing the top of her head.
He then held the demons arm as they were about to head to the demon world.

"Norman is sure going to be shocked when he finds out I came back with the whole demon god." Ray chuckled.

"Hahaha, but still, I can't wait to see him again!" She said, beaming with joy. Rays expression softened.

Holding onto the concentraring demon, they started to glow a gentle golden light.

Emma took a look around the world.

"Good bye.." she said. But she was no where near sad to leave.
It was the best thing to happen for a long time. That dreadful place, could finally be a place hidden far, deep in her memories.

And in the next moment, they found themselves in the cave with Mujika, Sonju, and Norman. They were all sleeping next to Emma's body.

Ray ran to Emma's body.
"Emma..!" He said quietly, solfly tapping her face.

Her eyes opened after a few moments and she awoke with his gentle fingers. She held his hand as if it were an extremely valuable treasure to hold.

She then got up and saw Norman. Her smile widened at the sight of him. Ray helped her up and she called Norman's name.

"NORMAN!!" She said, running to him with her face drenched with tears.

He got up at her voice and started crying when he saw her.
But then, suddenly, she lost her balance and fell.

"Emma!?" They both yelled.
She panted and laughed on the ground.

"Guess I got a bit rusty, huh?" She struggled to stand but she did it herself and hugged Norman for the first time in years. She couldn't help but cry and cry.
"Emma!!!!" He yelled with happiness.

She sobbed, still holding him tight.
"Norman..! Thank goodness you're still alive..!"
She clenched his shirt.

He looked surprised and softly smiled at her.
"You're one to talk, Emma! Don't ever be alone again like that..."
While holding eachother tightly, they opened up to Ray, to also join their reunion.

And when he did, the trio was finally back together again.

"Ah, that's right!" She said, "Norman, look, we brought the demon with us too!" He was already looking at it with a nervous smile.
"Uh...!- what. Is. THAT DEMON!?"

Ray tried to keep him calm but Emma was staring at the demon.

He walked to Mujika held her cheek.

Emma's eyes widened.

Mujika's eyes opened at his touch and a tear fell down from her mask.

"BROTHER!?" She yelled.
"HUH!?" Emma said with surprise.

The Meaning of Love|| The Promised Neverland || (Ray x Emma)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora