I Won't Break My Promise.

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Rays hand remained in the air.
It was once holding her hand, just moments before. Even it was in denial that she had disappeared from his grasp.

And silent.

Everyone stared at her nothingness.
A void was left in their hearts.
Until the kids started crying.
And after That, the adults trying their best to be strong, collapsed.

Yuugo, Oliver, Gillian, Violet... They all sobbed.
Gillian collapsed onto the floor yelling from her denial.

"This can't be real! I refuse to accept This!" She yelled.

They all cried in deep sorrow. Emma's name was shouted many times that day.

But Ray was silent. The last tear that came down his face was the one Emma wiped for him. Other than that. He decided to stop crying.
He locked his heart, scarred and broken, into a cage. His emotions were thrown far away.

He looked at his hand, still reaching for the girl that was once there, and slowly let it fall.
He stood up and left the family.

They watched him with sadness.

He slammed the door in his room and sat on his bed.

He was ready to wait out the week until they were all transported to the human world.

[*Emma told them after a week, ALL of them would be taken to the human world automatically and after That, the entrance to the human world would be locked off from the demons side forever, incase you forgot :)*]

He sat and thought about everything. He thought about taking her advice.
Forget she said.

It would be easier to forget

"I can't" he said, clenching his heart.

"Why did I end up being saved, if her fate was to disappear?"

But then he thought about it more.
She said she would still be alive...

"No... stop dreaming. Stop making up plans. Stop trying to make things work." He said to himself.

"Just forget about it."

He put up a smile. But of course, it was fake. There was no one else in the room to fool, besides himself.
One week past.

Ray never left his room unless it was to eat. But even after That, he went back to his room and only ate a single meal a day.

The family was quiet, still.

This was the day they would be taken to the human world. They didn't know if they would be together, but they tried to make up strategies about how to find eachother after they got there. Ray listened, but honestly didn't care.

He gave them the best attitude he could possibly fake, but everyone saw through it.

Ray sat in his room and that afternoon, at directly 12:00... everything started to rumble beneath them.

Everyone started to glow, similarly to how Emma glew, and they started disintegrating.

Ray looked at his hand. "Today's the day, huh?"
"We're going to be free. All of us." He thought.

"Except Emma, who's forever in the seven walls."
He wanted to rage just thinking about it but he's been collected for a full week already. There was no point.

In the next minute, he found himself in a city, surrounded by orphans and adults, sisters, moms, even the Ratri's.

Everyone was loud. Cheering that they were free.

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