"You ARE my Angel..."

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Ray managed to make it to the familiar cave that they sat in before. They sat down against the rock wall to relax.

Ray held Emma's upper half of her body up in an almost cradling position. And held her close to him.

The cave was dark. Emma's body kept trying to sleep but she stayed awake. Ray was silent.

"I... I'm sorry, Ray. I should've noticed it, and now you're hurt.."

He smiles at her selflessness,

"Its not your fault. It's okay, don't blame yourself. In fact, if you didn't push me, I would probably have been crushed... So, thanks.."

She looks to the side and her face looked slightly guilty. Neither of them were severely hurt, but they were both tired.

"Are you okay? It looked like he hit you pretty hard."

"Nah, it wasn't too bad, it was mostly just shocking and I just got a bit scared."

Although she did scream out of shock, her head was throbbing in pain and her knee was aching. Before he could detect her lie of not being hurt, she returned the question.

"What about you, that must've hurt.. are you holding up okay?"
"Yeah. I'm okay," he said, but he was also in pain.

Minutes passed, resting in his arms, until she felt a sting on her hand. She looked at it and both of them saw her bleeding palm.

"Emma, what happened to your hand!?"
"Huh? When did this...?"
Suddenly, she gets a flashback to when she clenched her fist so hard that it bled.
"Oh... It's nothing.."
"It's not nothing, Emma"
"Don't worry about..-"

Suddenly, he rips the bottom of his shirt.
"Huh!? RAY!"
He silently starts wrapping the wound with his shirt.

"We can't have it getting infected."
She smiled at how cute that gesture was. He looked up at her and quickly looked away.

Emma noticed that. She collected some courage and brang up that morning when they had their misunderstanding.

"Are.. are you mad at me?"

"What? Why would I be?"

"You looked upset this morning. Y'know, after I said..."

"Oh, it's no big deal.."
The two still weren't on the same page. Ray thought Emma didn't like him because she said kissing him was crazy and random. But Emma thought that Ray was mad because he saw her talking to Yuugo about him.

She thought he was mad at her for liking him, and it lead her to assume he never actually loved her at all.

Emma thinks about the situation.
"I KNOW he doesn't like me but... I don't know that for SURE...all I have is an assumption.. So..."

She decides to ask.
"Ray... I've asked a few people this already.. And I wanna ask you too.."

"What is it?"
She blushes slightly. "Why am I blushing when I ask RAY? Dammit!"
She takes a pause to mentally prepare and starts again.

"Well uh... what does... What does love mean to you? What do you feel when you fall for someone?"

"Why?" He looks at her, nervously, but mostly confused.
She gives him a glare.

"Answer me!...please, answer.."
She clenched his shirt.

He senses her desperation and finally answers while looking at the ceiling of the cave.

"To me, it's someone that I could do anything with and not worry about losing confidence. You could say she's like an angel."

He took a pause.

The Meaning of Love|| The Promised Neverland || (Ray x Emma)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora